Chapter 1

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The only thing I could see was a stone floor. Then the drops of blood falling from my body, onto it. There was the dim light from a nearby torch, but other than that it was pretty dark. The old stone had some cracks in it but nothing significant enough to be replaced. I spent my entire time looking at these bloody stones in the ground.

Two hundred and seventy five fucking stone squares in the ground. That I could currently see at least. I was so bored. I never thought I'd be bored enough to count all the fucking stones in this dungeon.

"Can you please just kill me?" I groaned as I felt the razor cut into my back once more. My hands chained in silver to my sides as I lay on my stomach on a wooden table. My neck was also chained to the table forcing my chin down onto the edge of the table. Legs also bound as this torturer did his work.

He was rather bad at it though. I was supposed to be screaming, begging for mercy? Something along those lines but right now I was bored. The pain meant nothing. I've gone through worst mental pain then this. Physical pain was much more bearable than the demons in your head.

"Or get me something to read? I swear it's like you're trying to kill me with your silence. All I want is a good conversation" I asked the man who I knew heard me. I heard him speak only to the guards that came or the servants come to bring me food.

The knife cut deeper into my shoulder blade and I huffed. "You know if I ever get out of here, I'm turning you into a statue, but you will still be alive in that statute. Watching as life goes on around you. Then you will know my pain" I said and now decided to count the cracks in the stone. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6...

... 9054, 9055. The metal door to my torturing room was opened and I lost count. "SON OF A WHORE! You made me lose count!" I shouted. I struggled against the restraint on the back of my neck to see who the hell it was.

I saw a women in armor come in. though I couldn't make out much with the angle. "Fateturl Raven-" she began with my full name which I huffed cutting off whatever else she would say. "Call me Fang please" I said and she glared at me as the torture drove his knife into my other shoulder blade. "Fang, the order has an offer for you" she said and I rose one eyebrow in question though I don't think she saw it. "And what offer is that? Can't you see I'm having so much fun here?" I asked as I looked back to the floor trying to figure out how many I was at.

"The order offers you freedom if you defeat the Rampids army" she said now I looked up again. "Rampids? The ghoul like creatures? Bleed black blood and no mind? Why the hell do you need me for that? They die easy enough without needing me to call the gods themselves down upon them?" I asked and now the torturer put down his knife and took the restraint off my neck. Then slowly went to my hands, then the chains on my waist. Now I sat up looking at her.

She turned red quickly and it was then I was reminded, I was shirtless but I still had pants on. I forgot what humility was like a long time ago so I didn't try to cover myself. "They have grown in mass; they have been taking over villages every day now. A hoard of millions stands to the North and the army we have, we fear cannot overcome it alone" she told me her eyes now glued to the floor I've been staring at most of my days.

Now getting a better look at this war maiden I noticed how pretty she was. Too pretty for war that is. She had long brown hair tied back in a ponytail and dark brown eyes. No scars on her face or on her armor. So I say she is either a noble or a new recruit.

"And if the horde is defeated I walk free?" I asked and she looked up at me again her face getting even redder then before. "Yes" she agreed and I nodded. "Now what if I don't defeat the horde? Your army falls and I just manage to escape?" I asked. Now she frowned but did so at the floor again. What did the stone ever do to her I wonder? "You are tasked with the duty of destroying the horde even if the first battle fails, if not the order will hunt you down again" she said and I rolled my eyes. Sure they would. With what army? Not to mention I would not be baited like that ever again.

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