Chapter 2- Resistance

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Author's note: Thanks so much to everyone who commented, voted and added 'Trust me' to their library. I really, really appreciate it, and am so glad so many of you are loving the story so far. This chapter is dedicated to booksquim for being the first to comment and vote on my previous chapter (and of course for being an awesome fan!) Thank you! I hope you all really enjoy this chapter. Please remember to vote and comment when you're done!

Chapter 2- Resistance

Edward's POV

Much to my surprise, Jacob was given respite from the fiery pain far sooner than I would have expected. When he was able to breathe again, the sound of his gasps filling my ears, I slowly lowered him back to the ground in the hope he would feel more comfortable that way. When Jacob's heart beat had slowed down from its previously alarmingly high rate, I moved away from him to give him some cleaner air to breathe (which did not reek of vampire) and began. 

"Do you know the effect vampire venom has on werewolves?" I asked slowly, but in an urgent tone. Given Jacob's current state, I knew I couldn't speak too quickly, but I hoped he could sense the urgency of my questioning. 

"No," Jacob replied, looking away from me. "It has never happened before as far as we know... I can't believe I was so stupid!"  

I was more than ready to ask the next question, but was momentarily distracted by Jacob's thoughts as I saw him running straight into Victoria's path, his head filled with Bella and nothing else. Despite being a natural at the 'wolf thing', I realised that Jacob must be unable to focus on multiple stimuli which was why he couldn't smell Victoria's scent. I suppose that is something he will learn over time. 

I shook myself out of my reverie and reassured Jacob: "We all make mistakes." 

"Well this one will cost me my life!" he shouted. Even though I was standing up, I could feel a low tremor in the ground which I knew was caused by Jacob's suppressed sobs. 

"You don't know that," I said gently. 

"Of course I do! One of those sick, twisted karmic facts of life as a wolf- we fight the 'cold ones' to protect humans, but if we fail, then the tables turn and we become one ourselves! I would prefer death!" 

"Please, calm down Jacob." 

For a moment it looked like Jacob would object, but then I saw him push his palms against his forehead; his head was aching too. But I would ask him about that later. 

"What happened to Victoria?" 

"I don't know," he winced, impatiently rubbing his head. "She probably just evaded us again. Paul and Embry chased her that way," Jacob indicated pointing behind him.  

"How did they know she was here?" 

"Must have heard me howl. They came running, but they didn't see me- she made sure of that," Jacob answered bitterly. 

"Surely they continued to search for you?" 

"Ha! See where I'm lying, Bloodsucker? Not allowed over here are they? And I'm not strong enough to phase back- I'm completely fucking useless!" Jacob yelled, yet underneath the anger, there was a great sense of hopelessness there- I couldn't help but feel for the boy. 

"It is good you didn't phase; it may have made things worse. It was lucky Bella asked me to look for you." I attempted to shift Jacob's perspective, but I was unsuccessful. 

"The only thing worse than you finding me would be Victoria. You are not my saviour." 

I decided to ignore this and continue with my questioning; I may not be his saviour, but I knew I could help him, if only he would let me. 

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