Chapter 19- Dead man walking

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Author's note: This chapter is dedicated to NamelessOne for her absolutely amazing dedication to me on her profile page for this fic as well as 'It is our choices'. I'm so glad you love my writing- I really hope you love this chapter :) And thank you also for your comments and votes! They mean a lot to me!

I just wanted to thank everyone who voted/commented on my previous chapters- I hope you enjoyed your gift! I suppose this chapter  is like a New Years present, so I hope you enjoy it. This chapter and chapter 21 are probably tied first as my favourite chapters- I will tell you why at the end of each chapter. So as I said at the end of the previous chapter, the scenes in this segment are from Breaking Dawn (I have noted the page numbers for your reference, should you require it). Given this, there are some quotes that are directly taken from the book. Please note that these were not my creation, but that of Stephenie Meyer.

I am very eager to hear your thoughts about this one- a huge favourite of mine and one I put an extra amount of time and effort in to. Happy reading!

Trust me

Chapter 19- Dead man walking

Jacob's POV

(see pages 54 to 60 of Breaking Dawn for the beginning of this scene).

I couldn't believe how defensive Bella was getting about not being able to have a proper honeymoon with Edward. I understood- I was even grateful that it was going to be as boring as 'playing a game of checkers', and that definitely wasn't a bad thing.

"I can have a real honeymoon!" she snapped at me, her eyes fiery with indignation. "I can do anything I want! Butt out!"

I froze. Bella stood still in my arms as we stopped revolving to the music. I stared at her in disbelief- what did she mean by that? She could not have meant what I thought she meant; Bella wasn't that stupid.

"What?" I spluttered exasperated, hoping against all hope that I was wrong. "What do you mean you're still going to have a real honeymoon? When you're still human? That's a sick joke Bella," I told her praying that it was indeed a joke- something she devised to make me jealous or even angry- I much prefer she turn against me that way than actually want this.

"It's none of your business what I do! We shouldn't even be talking about this; it's private!" she hissed at me.

I could see it in her eyes that what I had guessed was true. Bella and Edward were going to have a 'real' honeymoon and every part of my body told me that it had to be stopped; Bella would not survive.

I grabbed onto the tops of Bella's arms, my grip tight around her shoulder blades.

"Ow, Jake! Let go!" she yelled, cringing away from me, trying to fight against me.  I knew Edward at the very least would have heard her cry for help, but I didn't care. I had to stop Bella- this wasn't about jealousy or betrayal anymore, this was about Bella's life- Edward could kill her!

"Bella!" I screamed at her. "Have you lost your mind? You can't be that stupid! Tell me you are joking!" I demanded, shaking her violently. I watched Bella's head move back and forth with my motion, to then realize that I was shaking too. I fought to stay in control; I could not leave until Bella had promised me she wouldn't go through with this suicide plan.

"Jake, stop it!" Bella shrieked, her eyes wide as she stared into my face and saw the fury there.

Suddenly the small enclave we were in became very crowded; I could smell Edward approaching and I knew Sam was in his wolf-form standing nearby, but I didn't care; I was not giving up.

"Let go of her," Edward threatened me, finally coming into the clearing so I could see his face more clearly. He stood next to Bella looking livid, his eyes were narrowed and his teeth were bared.

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