Chapter 15- Honesty

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Author’s note: I dedicate this chapter to bubblettrocks for providing wonderfully detailed reviews. I love to read them, so thank you! And so, here’s the next chapter. I look forward to hearing what you all think of it, so please remember to vote and comment and you’re done. Thank you all so much, you are amazing readers and fans!!!

‘Trust me’

Chapter 15- Honesty

Jacob’s POV

The next morning, I woke with a start. I had no idea what caused me to wake; I wasn’t having a dream and I hadn’t heard anything unusual- or at least, I thought I hadn’t. It was still dark outside, probably about 5 in the morning, but I felt semi-rested. I turned over and saw Edward standing next to the bed, his back to me. He was crouched in a defensive position, but I knew he was ready to attack if he needed to. Edward hadn’t acknowledged I was awake, yet I was certain he knew.

I went to sit up in bed, intending to ask Edward what was happening; he looked tense. But before I could move, Edward ordered me to “stay where you are.” I was about to point out that I could barely leave the bed even if I wanted to, but decided not to say it- Edward sounded too serious to take a smart-arse comment from me. As I was lying down again and getting comfortable on my right side so I was facing the door, I heard what must have woken me up: a hiss coming through Edward’s teeth. Yet I couldn’t see any threat or hear anything, so I figured he must be reacting to someone’s thoughts.

“Who is it?” I whispered to Edward. Heaps of people from Victoria to my pack entered my mind as I considered each possibility. Edward didn’t answer- he didn’t have to because I heard everything I needed to when the front door opened and four different voices began conversing. I couldn’t hear exactly what was being said, but one voice stood out above the other three: Rosalie.

“This is not a good idea,” Jasper said as they got closer to where Edward and I waited. They were walking pretty slowly- maybe they were trying to stop Rosalie or otherwise were trying to give Edward time to do… something.

I kept trying to hear what was being said, but they made it difficult for me by talking in their quick chatter- it was probably their intention. Nevertheless, I could hear their gentle footsteps approaching the top floor. I heard Jasper whisper somewhat aggressively:

“He is furious, Rosalie. Do this another time!” he insisted.

I wondered about whose feelings Jasper was referring to; I felt fine- curious if nothing else, so he must be referring to Edward. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Edward straighten his posture a little, but he continued to stand between me and the door. His eyes were narrowed in concentration.

Two seconds later, Jasper entered the room, his eyes watching Edward like a hawk. Before anyone else entered, Jasper flitted to stand within arms reach of myself and Edward. He placed his hand on Edward’s shoulder and the other on mine. Immediately I felt calmer and I assumed Edward did too.

“Edward,” Jasper spoke loud and sharp.

“How can you be okay with this?” Edward demanded of his brother, though never took his eyes away from the door.

“I’m not,” Jasper replied coolly. “If you listen to Rosalie’s thoughts, you will know why she is here. I believe it is her true intention, so I am allowing this to happen… for now,” Jasper added, a dangerous ring in his tone.

There was a moment’s silence and still no one moved.

Suddenly Edward hissed and for the first time since I woke up, he moved closer to the door. I felt sorry for Jasper as he struggled whether to stay with me or pursue Edward; although his gift worked from a distance, I don’t think he thought it would be effective enough for this situation.

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