Chapter 8- Too much

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Author’s note: Hi everyone J Here’s your Tuesday update (or Monday update for some of you). This update is coming a couple of hours earlier than normal as I have to go in to work today. Anyway, as I said at the end of the previous chapter, this is another one of my favourite chapters (I hope you’ll understand why)! So I REALLY hope you all enjoy it! Many thanks to everyone who has commented and voted! I’m getting heaps of votes which is wonderful, so thank you J So without further ado, here is chapter 8.

 ‘Trust me’

Chapter 8- Too much

Jacob’s POV 

My whole body was shaking- not from fear or anger or even the cold- I was just shaking and I couldn’t explain why. Edward helped me to the bed, which Carlisle had re-made for me with clean sheets and fluffed pillows. It was nice of him, but I didn’t really pay any attention to it as I flopped down feeling weak and queasy. Edward allowed Sam to help me get comfortable as he spoke to Carlisle in a low, quick voice. I was too distracted by my own body, trying to work out if I would be sick again to focus on what they were saying. Sam however was getting frustrated with their secrecy and wanted answers. It was clear that he was impressed with the way the Cullens had handled my being sick- not a single one complained about the mess, or even the smell. They went straight to work, cooperating without a single word having to be said between them. But now that was over- Sam wanted answers. But when five minutes passed, and Carlisle and Edward were still deep in discussion, and Jasper was still hanging around me with Alice in his shadow, Sam spoke his mind:

“I should call Billy,” he said in his authoritative deep voice.

Of course, this forced the doc and Edward to stop talking to answer him.

“Not yet,” Edward insisted, walking over to us now- finally ready to share what he and his father had been discussing.

“Then would you care to explain to us what is happening? Jacob has never been sick like that in his life,” Sam explained, speaking for me because I didn’t trust myself to do so. Yet what he said was correct- even as a kid I never threw up my food- I could eat anything and everything and be able to stomach it easily.

Carlisle nodded. “I understand why this is puzzling for you,” he paused, looking at me sympathetically. “I have nothing more than theories as to why you were sick- the only way to know for certain would be for me to get a blood test-”

Carlisle stopped speaking upon seeing the horrified look on my face as well as Sam’s.

The idea of a vampire extracting blood from my arm was almost inviting him to drink some while they were at it. I saw Edward’s eyes narrow at this thought of mine, but I didn’t care- I wasn’t comfortable with this idea and neither was Sam.

Carlisle walked closer to me, his face both calm and determined when he stopped to look at me.

“I know it makes you uncomfortable, Jacob, but I wouldn’t ask if it wasn’t necessary,” Carlisle explained gently, his eyes resting on mine.

“Why is it necessary?” Sam questioned, his eyes shifting from Edward to Carlisle. “What are your theories?”

“Our first thought,” Edward began, “was that Jacob was sick because his body was having difficulty coping with the events that happened last night and this morning. It would make sense, but Carlisle felt that vomiting three times in a row due to stress is excessive, especially for someone who has never been sick before.”

“Then we discussed the possibility of it being a side effect to the morphine- it could have been a delayed reaction to the pain medication or the intense pain that you were in yesterday. However,” Carlisle continued, for Sam was about to interrupt, “we realised that if you were reacting to the morphine or the pain, we would have known about it last night. Vomiting is, however, one way the body tries to get rid of foreign substances, even if it is in the blood and not in ones stomach. This then led us to the far more plausible, though more problematic explanation, which requires me to examine some of your blood before I can provide you with a definitive answer.”

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