Chapter 12- Family and friends

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Author's note: I dedicate this chapter to harrypotterfan2289, who finished 'It is our choices', then started reading my other stories, including this one even though she doesn't like Twilight. Apparently my writing is just that good ;) Thank you SO much, I feel honoured that you are taking the time to read this story; it really means a lot to me! I hope you continue to enjoy 'Trust me'- if there's anything you don't understand just let me know (I am assuming you haven't read the Twilight Saga?). Anyway, so I hope you all enjoy this chapter- we get to see a bit more of Billy and Bella here (and Sam and Edward too). Let me know what you think!

Trust me

Chapter 12- Family and friends

Jacob's POV

The following morning I felt much better. The moment I woke up, Edward took my temperature again. Thankfully my fever was over, I was back to my usual 102, and I had about half an hour to kill before my visitors were due to arrive. Edward gave me a towel which I took to mean he thought I should have a shower, and I tended to agree; my skin was sticky. It felt good to have a shower and wash off all the dried sweat. Today was the best I'd felt since coming to the Cullen's, but I was starving- I hadn't eaten anything in almost three days.  I felt revitalized as the water streamed down my body. As I stood there, I tried to remember what happened the night before.

I woke up in the middle of the night feeling cold. The moment the thought entered my head, Edward carefully took his arms away from around my torso and gently got off my bed trying his best not to disturb me. He didn't need to bother though;  I was already awake. Edward chucked me a clean shirt, which I put on immediately. He then started unfolding the pile of blankets sitting on the bedside and threw them onto me. After placing three carefully around me and tucking them into the bed, I fell back to sleep almost immediately. I suspect that maybe Jasper had been watching over me at one stage because when I woke up only one blanket was on my bed; Jasper may have been able to detect when I was becoming warm and removed them accordingly. I would have to ask later.

When I had finished my shower I returned to my bed just as Edward walked through the door smiling.

"How do you feel?" he asked me, knowing perfectly well what the answer was.

I still wasn't able to look him in the eye without remembering what happened the night before. He promised me it would stay between the two of us- it better.

"Better," I told him honestly, though the memory of last night was still difficult to think about, especially when it was daylight and the fever was gone.

Edward thankfully decided to ignore my thoughts.

"Bella, your father and Sam are almost here. When they arrive, I will leave you all to talk. My family and I will be downstairs if you need anything," Edward told me graciously, suddenly becoming the host of the house.

"Thanks," I replied as I sat on my bed and took a couple of gulps from the glass on the bedside table.

Two minutes later I heard Carlisle and Esme greeting Bella, Sam and Dad at the door. Edward moved towards the entry of the study to greet them. It was so ridiculously formal, but I suppose that was what these vampires were used to- sometimes I forgot how old they were.

"Jacob," Dad eagerly greeted me, clearly happy to see me alive and well.

"Hey Dad," I returned, a huge smile spreading across my face; I really missed him.

When Sam had pushed Dad closer to me, I stood up and shook his hand and gave him a one armed hug. Sam clapped me on the shoulder and said: "It's good to see you." I couldn't agree more.

I saw out of the corner of my eye that Edward and Bella standing at the door. They were hugging, Edward kissing the top of Bella's head.

"I'll be downstairs," Edward whispered to her. I saw Bella's lips pout in protest, but Edward merely gave her an apologetic smile and added: "We can be together later," he promised her, then left her presence. It only took Bella a couple of seconds before she entered the room, her eyes bright and cheerful. But there was another part of her that looked anxious and cautious. The last time we saw one another wasn't exactly what I would call pleasant.

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