Chapter 3- I feel like a child

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Author's note: Welcome to chapter 3! I dedicate this chapter to CassandraLowery for always commenting and voting and for providing me with valuable feedback! Thank you so much, i feel honoured that you take the time to read my stories:) I have updated a bit earlier than normal as i'll be busy tomorrow. Please remember to comment! I know there's a lot of you who have either commented in the past or have added this story to your library. Please, please let me know your thoughts. Thanks heaps and heaps to those who are commenting and voting, I really appreciate it!

Chapter 3- I feel like a child

Jacob's POV

Take me...

I'm not sure what happened after saying those words... I felt so weak I could barely talk or even stand- I must have blacked out. But I don't think I was out for long, because Edward's hurried voice (the one that was impossible for me to hear properly) woke me, as he was talking to someone on his mobile, which he had positioned under his shoulder as I was occupying his arms. All I could do for the moment was listen as my body started to recover- Edward's arms digging into my back as he ran. But the ride wasn't bumpy- in fact it didn't feel like Edward was running, yet I knew he must be- I felt like I was gliding. Or perhaps that's just because I was completely out of it?

I gave my attention to Edward's voice again- I wonder if he knows I am awake? He gave no verbal indication that he did, but maybe it was because he was getting fed up with whoever he was talking to- probably his sister again. 

"Put Carlisle on the phone Alice; we can talk about this later!" he hissed impatiently at a speed I could understand, apparently he slowed his words for emphasis. 

I couldn't hear the tinkerbell's reply, but she must have obeyed because then Edward was talking quickly again. 

I was now becoming agitated that I couldn't hear what was being said, for I was certain he was talking about me to whoever- probably the doc. 

I could only catch snippets... something about Victoria, the word 'wolf', asking Alice something, an office somewhere, Jasper (whoever that was), and 'get out'...  

Edward then closed the phone and looked ahead, a concerned expression on his face. His eyes were narrowed and his face was less animated than what I had seen in the past... but maybe that was because he was not talking... 

Argh! Whatever, my stupid brain wasn't working fast enough for me to put two and two together.

Nevertheless, I couldn't help but wonder what was bothering him- not because I cared for his comfort in any way, but if something were to go wrong it would probably affect me too knowing my luck.  

Then of course, despite his distracted mind, he heard my thoughts and looked at me as if realising for the first time that I had woken from my quick slumber. 

"How are you feeling?" he asked, still evidently distracted and ignoring the questions that were flying through my mind. 

"My head is still pounding, but good otherwise- I will walk now," I insisted, suddenly feeling self-conscious in his arms. 

Edward laughed much louder than I was expecting and I felt strangely under his control as if his laugh put a spell on me. "I don't think so," he chuckled as if he knew me better than I knew myself. 

I pushed against his arms, but they were as hard as they looked. At first, my attempts amused Edward and even though I was far stronger than the average human, I was still no match for him, which I hated. But then after a while, he became impatient with my persistent behaviour. 

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