Chapter 11- Apologies

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Authors note: So here is the awaited Chapter 11 where Edward returns. I hope you will agree it was well worth waiting for :P, so I won’t hold you up too much longer. Just a quick, though massive thank you to everyone who has voted and commented on the previous chapter! I love reading your thoughts and am delighted that so many of you feel that (for the most part) the plot and dialogue I have created are realistic to the Twilight Saga canon. Your compliments make my day, so thank you!

One final note: the second part of this chapter I considered removing all 5 pages, but then couldn’t bring myself to do because it took me so long to write and I personally love the scene and the discoveries Jacob makes. However, I fear some of you will find it awkward. Given this, I would really like to know what you think! Happy reading!!!

Trust me

Chapter 11- Apologies

Edward’s POV

It was difficult to say goodbye to Bella; it was simply so peaceful at her place, and even though Charlie was around his thoughts were mostly mellow and rarely concerned me. Of course there was also the matter of missing Bella deeply- I hated being away from her, especially after everything we had been through, separately, over the past few months. It killed me (if that were possible) to see her frown and wrap her arms tightly around me as if she would never let go. But as Bella always does, she puts others before herself- she even said Jacob needed me far more than she did and if she forced me to stay that would be selfish. I told her she was being silly as I kissed her goodnight. Some five minutes later, I was able to pull myself away from her, though with great difficulty, I assure you. I reminded her to go to La Push at nine the following morning under the guise that she was visiting Jacob there (when Charlie heard the boy was ill, he granted Bella permission to visit him whenever she wanted). Billy and Sam will then bring her to my place so the three of them could visit Jacob, who I hoped would be better emotionally and physically by then. I then gave her one final kiss, my thumb stroking her jaw line. Once my lips were free, I told her I loved her more than my very existence and then leapt off her window sill into a nearby tree. I saw her head poking out through the window to watch me. I waved to her from the ground, blew her a kiss and then ran home.

When I arrived home, I approached the front door slower than I normally did, trying to listen for the thoughts of my family and Jacob. I could hear many things, from the rustling of the trees to the television blaring in the living room, to Jacob’s breathing upstairs. His breathing was faster than normal. I looked at my watch and saw that it was still early- only three o’clock in the morning. I walked a little closer and without realizing, opened the door. So much of my concentration was focused on listening to Jacob’s thoughts that I hardly noticed my surroundings as I entered the house. It was only then that I heard Alice’s thoughts coming from Carlisle’s office too. She was concerned for Jacob as she watched over him. Such thoughts were intermingled with annoyance as she was developing a headache from not being able to ‘see’ for two days. I moved towards the staircase, wanting to investigate Jacob’s situation further; neither his thoughts nor Alice’s provided any insight into the actual problem. I was about to mount the stairs when I heard Jasper speak to me. I followed his scent into the living room and found him sitting with Esme and Carlisle who were evidently in deep discussion. I couldn’t believe I hadn’t noticed them until that moment- I suppose I was too concerned for Jacob…

“How is he?” I asked of my family, trying to keep the guilt out of my voice, though I couldn’t quite manage it.

“I was able to examine his blood,” Carlisle told me. “His white blood cells are attacking the venom- this is a good sign; it means our guess was correct.”

I nodded. Carlisle continued: “Jacob vomits rarely now, though I am still reluctant to offer him any food, but Esme will prepare him some dinner for tomorrow. Hopefully he will be able to keep it down by then.”

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