Chapter 5- Words can hurt

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Author’s note: I dedicate this chapter to sentinelangel for being a consistent commenter, voter and reader. She has read ALL of my fics and is an amazing fan! Thank you! I hope you all enjoy the chapter! Thanks for all your comments and votes guys, you're all amazing!

Trust me

Chapter 5- Words can hurt

Edward’s POV

I knew Jacob did not want me, or any of us, to hear him speak to his father, but my curiosity got the better of me. After I left the room, I closed the door and stood to the side, listening to all the sounds around me, from Jacob’s anxious breathing to my family conversing downstairs.

I waited patiently for Jacob’s father to pick up the phone, which I could hear ringing through my mobile from inside Carlisle’s office.

“Hello?” Billy Black said urgently, evidently expecting someone to call him regarding the whereabouts of his son.

Jacob paused for a moment, and I could see the sadness and fear in his thoughts- he hated that his father was so worried about him.

“Dad, it’s me,” was all he could say.

“Jake?” Billy asked in disbelief, but didn’t wait for a reply. In the background I could hear another male voice speaking loudly- shouting at Billy: “Where is he?”

“Where are you Jake- we’ve been worried sick,” Jacob’s father demanded, and I could hear the real terror in his voice.

“I’m fine Dad,” Jacob replied, trying to avoid telling his father his location, knowing that it would come to no good.

“Don’t think I believe that for a moment,” Billy replied angrily. “If you were fine, you would have called me after you completed your patrol, not some 6 hours later! It’s 3 o’clock in the morning!”

“My- my phone broke,” Jake replied weakly, knowing that he could not fool his father, though from what I could make of his thoughts- his statement was actually true.

“Even if that were true, you could have returned home or at least left the god-forsaken vampire territory- you know your brothers cannot venture there!”

“I know Dad, I know,” Jacob whispered. “I’m sorry I worried you- I’m okay-”

“Do not lie to me Jacob Black!” Billy boomed into the phone. I cringed away from the sound; I had the distinct feeling he had some idea of where his son was, but how he knew, I could only guess.


“Where are you?” Billy persisted and I knew the man wouldn’t relent until he had his answer.

“I can’t tell you Dad,” Jake muttered weakly. It was difficult for me to experience how Jacob was feeling. He felt entirely helpless in my house, and his father being angry at him was not helping.

“You are on their territory aren’t you?” his father demanded. “You cannot return home- there can be no other explanation,” Billy said more logically than I was expecting. “Your brothers spent all night looking for you, but there was no trace of your scent. Explain to me why you couldn’t have given me a call!”

“I wanted to Dad.” So much, Jake added in his thoughts. I turned away from the room, feeling guilty for preventing the boy from calling home. I foolishly didn’t realize how concerned his father would be. I was too worried about the safety of my family and our agenda, rather than thinking about what was best for Jacob.

“Then why didn’t you?” Billy asked, more gently now, for he could sense, like me, that Jacob was on the verge of tears.

“I wasn’t allowed,” Jake whispered so quietly that I was surprised Billy heard him. I heard a sharp intake of breath from Billy as he registered what this meant.

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