The Epilogue Part II: Epic opportunities

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Author’s note: Alright guys, this is part II of III parts to the Epilogue. I swear to you it was just meant to be two parts, but I recently added so much in that it became a 35 page chapter! I figured this was probably too long, so I have separated it into parts 2 and 3. But don’t worry, I will post up part 3 tomorrow, I just wanted to give you guys a day to read this one (for those who are really keen and can spare the time!) before posting up the next.

This part of the Epilogue was quite fun to write- a break in between the more serious aspects of Jake and Ness’ wedding reception. This part is all written from one character’s perspective (I won’t tell you who, but you can probably tell by the name of the chapter). It is a new perspective, so I really hope you enjoy seeing things through this character’s eyes!

So I hope you love the chapter, and please remember to vote and comment when you’re done! I will post up the next and final chapter in 24 hours :)

‘Trust me’

Epilogue Part II: Epic opportunities

Emmett’s POV

So the thing about living with the same people for over eighty years is that you begin to understand the way their minds work- the way they fight- the way they race.

Bella’s transition into a vampire provided me with a bit of excitement, especially when she was a newborn. Not that I’m willing to talk about how I went against her back then… But after a year, I was on par with her again, thank God. Edward loved taking every opportunity (while he had the chance) to tease me about being beaten by a ‘girl’. Of course, we were all being beaten by Bella- it was a little disconcerting to be honest! But I guess Edward knew I was the only one who didn’t like the feeling of losing, so he rubbed it in while he could. Nowadays, it was pretty thrilling to watch Edward and Bella fight; given that my brother cannot hear Bella’s thoughts, it makes for interesting competition. Now, you may not think that Edward wouldn’t fight Bella, but she’s pretty feisty, and it didn’t take him long to realise that being a gentleman was no longer going to impress her; Bella had some guts of her own now that she possessed the vampire traits that provide her with the skills to fight well.

So with so many people at Jake and Ness’ wedding reception, vampires and wolves alike, I was dying to get some fighting going- just pretend fighting of course, no injuries allowed… well irreparable injuries anyway. So after myself and Jazz danced with Ness, and spent roughly one hour catching up with the Denali, Amazon, and Irish covens (given we talk so fast, it didn’t take long), we then decided to migrate to an arable area in the forest surrounding our property, so we could begin some fighting matches without disturbing anyone who didn’t want to join. This didn’t stop me from inviting as many people as possible to come with us though. Ness and Jacob were still dancing with Sam and Emily, so they were out for now. Carlisle and Esme were speaking with Billy, but said they would join us later (probably to adjudicate than anything else). Seth, Embry, and Quil were pretty game, as they usually were, to have some fun, so they joined us, along with all members of the visiting vampire covens, Rose, and Alice.

As we ran to the location, I was thinking of the various ways we could compete against one another in a fair game.

“Yo, Jazz!” I called to Jasper who was ahead of me and already stationed on the other side of the field.

“Yeah?” he yelled back.

“Any idea what we can do?”

Jasper looked around at our ‘competition’ to see what would suit us best

“There’s so many of us, I reckon a tournament.”

Oooo, nice, I said to myself.

“Sounds sweet. What kind? Fighting or speed?”

Trust Me (A Jacob/Edward friendship story)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن