Chapter 14- Leave me alone

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Author’s note: I dedicate this chapter to MusikChik4God who is such a consistent commenter and voter! Thank you so much! So this chapter is very much a Jake/Edward chapter. I want to preface this by saying that Edward spends quite a bit of time talking to Jacob about Rosalie. I want to clarify that Edward’s explanation reflects my own understanding of Rosalie’s character in both canon and my story, so I am imagining a few of you, at least, will disagree with me. Consequently, I would love to hear your thoughts, but if you could accept my analysis of Rose for this story, I would really appreciate it :) Thanks so much everyone! I hope you love the chapter (I quite enjoyed writing it).

‘Trust me’

Chapter 14- Leave me alone

Edward’s POV

The feelings I experienced as I caught Jacob in a head lock and forced him to the ground are difficult to describe. The only thought I allowed to drive my actions was the knowledge- the certainty that if I didn’t do something to restrain him, he would lose it and attack me. But there was a small part of me, a part I did not allow to come forth, that wanted to let him attack Rosalie so the pain he was feeling would finally stop. However, the consequences would have been too severe; what use would there be in allowing Jacob to hurt or kill Rosalie when it would only break the Treaty between our families and permanently destroy the relationship we had built with him? No, I could not allow it to happen. I knew it was uncomfortable and humiliating for Jacob for him to be lying down and feeling entirely useless in front of my family, but I had no other option. In all honesty, I was worried I couldn’t keep Jacob at bay any longer. His mind was full of his anger and frustration, not only at Rosalie, but at me too. I couldn’t take the risk that Jacob would turn against me- he was, after all, a werewolf. I knew he didn’t want to hurt me, so I had to prevent him from making that mistake- I was only trying to protect him, Rosalie- all of us.

So it didn’t surprise me that Jacob wanted to be left alone. His thoughts were loud and clear in his head that he did not want me to follow him upstairs, but I think he knew me well enough by now that I wouldn’t leave him alone after what just happened.

As I climbed the stairs, I knew that Rosalie was feeling smug, though not as smug as she was hoping to feel; her problem being that I was following Jacob upstairs in an attempt to comfort him, not berate him for phasing. Also, she knew she was in trouble with all of us- especially Jasper who, even to my surprise was greatly affected by Jacob’s emotional state when he arrived. In that sense, I was relieved Jasper was not around when the struggle began; given how upset Jacob was then I wondered whether Jasper could have handled the intensity of his emotions. When Jasper discovered that Rosalie had intentionally provoked Jacob, it made him furious. I felt certain that leaving Rosalie in Carlisle and Jasper’s hands meant she would be disciplined to my satisfaction. I wanted nothing more than to yell at her for an hour, but I felt Jacob needed me more- not that he would admit that of course.

As I was climbing the stairs, slowly for me, I could hear Jacob pacing the room incessantly; he didn’t know what to do with himself and was confused as to why he felt panicky even though the worst was over.

When I reached the top of the stairs, I could see into Carlisle’s office. Jacob had left the door open and I noticed immediately that he had stopped pacing. He was leaning against the bed, his arms straight out supporting his weight on the bed frame. I didn’t want to walk in- even though I knew he could sense my presence… for some reason I didn’t want to interrupt this moment.

Trust Me (A Jacob/Edward friendship story)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz