Chapter 24- Forever

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Author’s note: Thank you all so much for your amazing comments on the previous chapter. I am so glad that I am taking my story in a direction you all seem to really appreciate and one that shows a plausible way these events could have occurred in canon. I am also happy that the maturity under which I wrote the previous chapter was appreciated by a few of you. This one will be as mature, and although slightly more detailed, I hope you will find it appropriate.

So once again I am nervous about this chapter- it’s a big one because Ness finally finds out about imprinting and Jake’s love for her. So please, please share your thoughts with me when you’re done :)

‘Trust me’

Chapter 24- Forever

Jacob’s POV

The closer I got to Ness’ room, the more elated I felt. It took everything I had not to bound up the stairs and burst through the door; I was trying to stay cool, calm and collected. I don’t know if I pulled it off externally, but inside, I definitely failed at being all three. Bella and Edward didn’t say much on their way out, but by the looks on their faces, I could tell that there was hope for me- that now was the time to tell Ness what I, as well as the Cullens and my pack have known for so many years: that she is my imprint.

When I reached the top of the stairs, I paused to take a deep breath, which I succeeded in doing, though the ridiculously huge grin on my face didn’t help matters. Shaking my head, I forced myself to be serious; I could have misinterpreted Bella and Edward’s signals, not to mention that imprinting was a big deal and not something I could just blurt out. I needed to stay in control. So I took another breath, and then walked into Nessie’s room, closing the door behind me.

My imprint was sitting on her bed, her large brown eyes wide as she stared at my face, and then at my arm. She leapt off the bed and rushed over to me. She stopped when she was a foot away and gently ran her hand over my damaged, bandaged wrist.

“Oh Daddy,” she whispered, shaking her head. I couldn’t tell if she was upset with, or for him.

“Nessie, I’m fine, I promise,” I consoled her. She looked up at my face again, and I couldn’t help but grin; I was so happy to finally see her after what happened that morning.

Ness returned my smile with one of her own before breaking eye contact with me to examine my other arm and the rest of my body by walking around me.

“Are you in pain? Is anything else broken?” she persisted, as if she was a little disappointed that Edward didn’t tell her about my arm.

“It’s just my wrist, Ness. Your father insisted on bandaging it up for me- now it looks worse than it actually is,” I tried to convince her.

“What happened down there? I heard you yell, were you in pain?” she asked, concerned.

I felt my eye brows crease in confusion. “Didn’t your father tell you why I yelled?”

Ness stared off into the distance, and I knew she was backtracking through her memories to see if he had. Eventually she shook her head.

“No, I just assumed that you were both arguing…” she trailed off. I could tell she wanted to say more, but then thought the better of it after having a moment to pause.

When I realised she wasn’t going to continue, I explained:

“Well we weren’t really arguing; it was more of a misunderstanding.”

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