Drarry on the Pitch

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I glance at the watch on my arm. The clock ticks from 7:59 to 8:00. Still no sign of Harry. I start to wonder if maybe he isn't coming, before I decide it's just pure silliness. I wrote 8:00 on the note, so if he isn't here in the next five minutes, then I know for sure he isn't coming. "Lumos," I whisper. My wand immediately lights up at the tip. I wave my wand and a blanket appears on the ground. I wrap myself up in it and sit down to wait. 

I wait and wait for what seems like forever, but really only two minutes, when Harry comes running up. He stops at the edge of the pitch. I stand on my two feet, wobbly in the knees and a herd of butterflies causing a riot in my stomach. I open my mouth to say something, but nothing comes out. I wish I could describe Harry in this moment, because really, all I saw was perfection. But it was too perfect for words. His tall, long legs stood wide and confident. Harry's crooked smile peered at me, shadowed in just the right places from the little light his wand gives off. Harry's emerald green eyes twinkle with anticipation of the evening I set up. His fingers on one hand are curled tightly around his wand and the fingers on the other are running through his wavy blackish brown hair. The air between us is charged with something, and I smell the scent of him. I breathe it in, never wanting to smell anything else for the rest of my life except for this. I have a rush in my stomach like something is about to happen, but I don't know what it is. 

Until it happens. 

We lock eyes and just stare at each other. Harry's emerald green eyes sparkle, and my breath catches. My lips part; I moisten them with the tip of my tongue. Then, the moment comes. The air is charged with love and thick with the sounds of the night. Harry starts moving to me, and I move to him. Faster, faster, faster, all I think about is how I want to hold this perfect wizard in my arms forever and never let him go. We meet in the middle, where we stop, look at each other for what seems like eternity and a millisecond at the same time. Then, we kiss. Time slows down.

Harry's lips are soft and know what they are doing. I can only imagine what Harry must be thinking of mine. I try to remember if I brushed my teeth before coming out here. I don't care if I didn't, I don't want to break away to check. I've been waiting my entire life for this moment, and I'm not about to give it up so soon. 

But, like every perfect moment, it comes to an end. And all I can do is keep holding Harry close, looking into his eyes and remembering the softness of his lips and the tingle of his taste that is left on my tongue. The night surrounds us; stars in the sky. 

But the only star I ever want to look at again is the one right in front of me. 

I lead Harry over to the blanket I laid on the ground. We lay down next to each other, holding hands and looking up at the stars in the sky. I can't help thinking this is how it was supposed to be. That this moment was created just for me and him and nobody else. And I'm glad that I was the one who got to share it with him. 

At some point, we end up falling asleep laying there together, hand in hand, looking at each other. It's not until the morning, when I awake to Harry shaking me, do I realize what happened. 

"Draco, Draco," Harry is shaking my arm. I open my eyes and sit up groggily. 

"What's going on?" I moan, squinting my eyes against the sunlight. Sunlight. I sit up. "What time is it?"

"Almost five in the morning." Harry exclaims. "We have got to get back before anyone realizes we were gone."

I nod slowly. Harry jumps up and gives me an awkward kiss on the cheek good-bye. I lean in the return the favor. He's gone before I can open my eyes again; all that's left of him is his beautiful scent. I breathe in the smell. 

"Hey, Malfoy, what are you doing out here this early? Ten points from Slytherin." Professor Binns shouts at me, lumbering over. "Go back inside." 

"Yes, professor." I look down in shame, as if he knew what exactly I had been doing out here, and hurry back inside and down into the dormitories. I slip into my room unnoticed, and quickly crawl into my bed, pretending to sleep, but really reliving the night before over and over again in my head, hoping against hope that it was real and not imaginary. 

"G'morning Draco." Crabbe says, rubbing the sleep out of his eyes. I sit up in bed. "Why, you look like you haven't slept at all!" 

"Oh, I guess I've just had a long night," I stutter, running my hand through my hair. I fake a yawn. 

"Can we go eat now?" Goyle whines. I smile and nod. Crabbe bolts out of bed and hurries to get dressed. Goyle follows along behind him. They both turn at the door, waiting for me to get out of bed too. 

"I'll be along in a minute," I say, resuming my old sneer from before the evening with Harry. Crabbe and Goyle nod and disappear out the door. 

I slip out of bed and pad across the cold floor. I run a wet comb through my hair and splash cold water on my face. I touch my lips, remembering the taste of Harry on the tip of my tongue and how soft his lips felt. I smile at my reflection in the mirror. Then, I walk out the door. 

"What's got you in a good mood today? Potter got expelled?" Pansy Parkinson follows along behind me, noticing the new spring in my step that wasn't there before last night. I shrug and wish for her to go away. She must have heard me wish, because she notices a few of her other friends across the Great Hall and hurries over to meet them. 

I take the long way around the Hall in order to pass Potter at his table. I want to slip him a note again, one I wrote this morning, asking him to meet me at the same spot at the same time, tonight. And I ask for this to be a regular thing, something we do every night. As I draw nearer to Harry, Ron, and Hermione's table, I start to listen to their conversation. 

"Harry, why are you wearing a Slytherin tie?" Hermione asked, ever so cautiously. 

"Huh, what?" Harry asks, snapping back to reality. 

"Your tie, Harry, it's-" Hermione starts.

"Green. Your tie is green. You know what that means? It's a Slytherin tie, Harry!" Ron raises his voice angrily. Harry, panicking, glances down at his own tie. Naturally, I look too. Hermione and Ron are right. Harry has on a Slytherin tie...

Wait, I realize, we both took our ties off last night after we went out there. We must have switched ties. And if we did, that would mean my tie is... I look down at my own tie. Red. Red and yellow. A Gryffindor tie. I start to turn around and go back, but I remember the note I wanted to give to Harry. Sighing, I go back and start walking past his table. I pass right in front of them when Hermione suddenly stands up. 

"Draco!" Hermione shouts, the tips of her ears bright red. "What color is your tie?" Harry looks up and gawks at my tie, which is actually his tie. The scent of Harry is strong on me now, and I feel as if everyone knows what happened last night. 

Quickly, I strip the tie off me. "I don't know what you're talking about, mudblood." I sneer. I roll up the tie and stuff the note in the center of it. Harry takes off his (my) tie and rolls it up as well. We do a quick, under the table, hand-off and all is settled. Then, I make my way to the Slytherin table, my eyes focused on Harry. He unrolls the tie and the note flutters onto his lap. He loops the tie, once, twice around his neck and reads the note. He looks up at me, and his soft lips form the word yes. I smile a half-smile and walk away. 

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