The Morning Of

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I sit up in my bed, blinking in the bright morning sunlight. "Draco," I say, leaning over to the other side of my bed, which is empty. I sigh and throw the covers off and walk over to his bed. It's empty. Feeling a little worried now, and remembering what happened the night before, I throw on my robe and slippers and hurry downstairs to find Draco.

I finally find him sitting in the kitchen, drinking a cup of tea. Winky, who was standing over the stove, was stirring a cup up for me too. "Drink, Mister Potter." 

"What's going on, Draco?" I asked, taking the tea and sitting down next to him. Draco, eyes red and puffy (was he crying earlier?) didn't even look up at me. "Winky?" I ask, "do you know about this?"

"Mister Malfoy, shouldn't you tell him?"

"NO WINKY" Draco shouted at the poor house-elf. "I'M NOT TELLING POTTER ANYTHING!" 

"Draco?" My voice cracks. I swallow and try again, "Draco, tell me what's going on."

He turns away from me, but not before I see another tear rolling down his cheek. I stand up and go over to him and wipe the tear off his cheek. Draco slaps my hand away. 

"Dra-" I see a letter from the Ministry on the table. Glancing at Winky, who nods, then starts twisting her ears in punishment, I pick it up and open it. "Did you read this?"

"Yeah." Draco whimpers, tears rolling freely now. I start reading the letter. 

"We regret to inform you that Mrs. Lucius Malfoy has been involved in a mishap at Azkaban. We apologize for her death." I stop, not wanting to continue, but Draco motions for me to. "Narcissa Malfoy was visiting her husband Lucius Malfoy on the eve of Christmas, at about 9:00 p.m. As she was entering her husbands cell, a group of dementors attacked her and her husband. We were unable to get there in time and rescue them. I apologize dearly for this incredibly tragic event. Signed, the ministry of magic." I gasp. 

"Draco, I'm so sorry." 

"IT'S ALL MY FATHER'S FAULT!" Draco screamed at me. He stood up and stormed off. "C'mon, we should get our stuff around for the train ride back to Hogwarts."

"You're going back?" I ask. I squint my eyes carefully, rereading the letter. The pain hits me each time I read the words "a group of dementors attacked her and her husband." Narcissa saved my life. And how, just like everyone other loved one in my life, is dead. And I wonder if Draco's next. 

"Thank you, Winky." I say as I hurry back upstairs and to the bedroom. 

"I'm sorry Mister Potter. Please tell Mister Malfoy he has my regrets."

"I will, Winky." I call back over my shoulder. I fling open the bedroom door and see Draco angrily throwing robes and spellbooks into his trunk. "Draco? Can we just talk about this?" 

"No." Draco says firmly. He locks his trunk and picks it up. "Hurry up or we'll miss the Knight Bus." 

I nod slowly. "Okay." I pack up my trunk and in five minutes we are standing outside waiting for the bus. It shows up in a few minutes' time and we board. 

"Where to?"

"Kings Cross Station, please." I say, looking across me at Draco, who is still and silent.

"Hey, you're Harry Potter!" 

I nod, "Yes, now can you please get us there fast?"

The driver grins, "Of course, anything for Harry Potter." 

"Thanks." I pull Draco over to a seat and we sit down. The bus takes off down the street and soon enough we reach Kings Cross. 

Draco, who still hasn't said anything to me, leads the way to platform 9 3/4. 

We sit down on the train in our own compartment and wait for the whistle to sound that we're on our way.

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