Arrival at Malfoy Manor

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"Potter!" Draco called down the train station at me. I was way behind him and struggling to keep up. My short legs were no match for his long sleek ones. Draco stopped up ahead of me and I rushed to keep up with him. Draco's eyes teased me.

"Slow down!" I pant when I finally near him. 

"Sorry!" Draco laughs. He takes my hand and walks slowly. "I'm just so excited that you and I are finally going to be alone..."

"Together," I finish. "You and I are finally going to be alone together."

Malfoy blushes. "C'mon, hurry up!"

He and I start to run, pushing our way past the crowd until we finally reach the outdoors. 

"How are we getting there?"

"Oh, it's not that far," Draco answers, grinning.

"What? What?" I ask, nervously wringing my hands. 

"The Knight Bus!" Draco answers. Right when the words leave my boyfriend's mouth, the Knight Bus pulls up. I groan. The doors swing open and Draco gets on, holding his hand out behind him. "You coming?"

"Yeah," I sigh, taking Draco's hand and pulling myself up. We find our seats and sit down. "How long is this going to be?"

"Oh, not long at all. It's only about a five minute ride." 

"Not long?" I exclaim a little too loudly. "Seems like a long time to me! This bus is like a death trap!" 

"Harry, calm down!" Draco laughs, squeezing my hand. "We're almost there."

"And we can't get there soon enough," I mutter, "are you sure your mum won't be there?"

"Positive!" Draco answers for the millionth time. "Mum is visiting her sister. Father is still in Azkaban. We'll be all alone."

"Good," I state firmly. Draco and I fall into silence. After a while, Draco looks over at me and points out the window.

"We're here," he whispers in my ear.

"Lovely," Is all I can say. And it's true. I've been to Malfoy Manor, but never like this. And, when you arrive like this, it's beautiful. Lovely.

"Let's go," I follow Draco out of the bus with my suitcase. He unlocks the gate...then the door...then we're inside and setting our suitcases down. "Let me give you the grand tour." Malfoy smiles.

"Yeah...the last time I was here I was locked in the dungeon!" I joke.

"Well, we can't have any of that!" Draco giggles. Do guys giggle? Well, this certainly wasn't a normal laugh and I hate the word, giggle.

Draco took my hand and dragged me all over the house and finally ended the tour in the bedroom that we would "share". I smiled at the thought of sitting up all night having deep discussions with him. I could tell Draco was thinking the same thing.

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