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The snow glittered prettily across the Great Lawn and to the Quidditch Pitch. I could see a few feet in front of me, Harry, his clear green eyes shining and reflecting the snow on the ground. The whole outdoors looked like pixies were skipping across it's surface. I sighed; it was moments like these that made me truly believe in magic. 

"Harry, I have a question to ask you," I whispered as soon as Harry was close enough to hear me. 

"Yes?" Harry whispered back, his half smile glowing at me. I smiled at the sparkling ground all around us. 

"My parents, well, Lucius is still in Azkaban, you know. And, my mother, she's visiting her family for the holidays. She offered me the stay for a week or two. By myself. And I was wondering..." a sly grin came to my face then, "would you like to join me?"

"By ourself?" Harry asked me incredulously, a mischievous glint in his right eye. "I'm in!"

"Wonderful," I murmur. "I can't wait!"

"Neither can I," Harry answers, his hot breath on my left cheek, "neither can I."

A few days later, I met Harry in the hall. "You ready?"

"Yeah, I think so." Harry grinned at me. "Hermione's awful mad that I'm not spending Christmas with her and Ron."

"Oh." I frown. "I'm sorry, you probably already had plans with them."

"I've spent every Christmas since I started coming to Hogwarts with them! I'd love to spend my final Christmas with you."

"Thanks," I blush. Harry reaches out for my hand and I snatch it up. We drag our trunks along behind is while we board the train. We sit across from each other in one of the smallest compartments so there isn't room for anyone else. We hope that nobody notices that Harry's here; we're sitting in the Slytherin section.  But nobody comes over and busts us for anything.

I talk to Harry about what we should do. I tell him what's nearby the Manor and about my family traditions. Harry in turn tells me about his Christmas' before Hogwarts and the ones he spent with the Weasleys. I nod and smile and he does the same.

The whole train ride I can't stop staring at that little curl falling into his beautiful eyes. I watch the curl bounce and fall. Then, I turn my gaze over to his lusciously soft pink lips, then down to his twitching hands. I smile a half smile because he's mine and nobody else's. 

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