I Love Her, I Love Her Not

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I glanced over to Becky Arncliffe. Her honey-brown hair rippled over her shoulders. I glance over to the opposite side of me, where Harry is sitting. His eyes are tired, almost swollen shut, and I can tell that he has been crying. A pang of guilt makes it's way through my bloodstream and I remember Potions class. And the scene at lunch. I want to forget about all of it, but I can't. 

I know that I have a choice to make, but I think I already knew my decision before I knew the choice. Becky sees me watching her, her boring brown eyes boring holes into my skull. I couldn't figure out what she wanted. 

"Hey Draco," Her sickeningly sweet voice called me out of my thoughts. "What do you say we go to Hogsmeade together?" Her hand snaked its way over my legs and into my hand, forcing me to hold onto her. To anyone passing by, it would look like we were holding hands. 

"Um," I stutter. Unfortunately, Goyle chooses that time to make a grand entrance. 

"Of course Draco would go with you." He answered for me, glancing sideways at me. I try to hide my groan, but it's too late. He's seen it. "I mean, uh, well-"

"Yeah, Becky, I'll go." I sigh. Becky grins. 

"Perfect! It's a date!" She squeals her way back to the dormitories, her heels clicking on the ground with excitement. I turn over to Goyle. 


"Sorry." And Goyle really does look sorry. Sorry enough that I find it in me to forgive the poor guy. A few months ago, I wouldn't have thought twice about forgiving anyone; I would simply have refused. But Harry was a good influence on me. I realize that Goyle has been through a lot. We both lost our best friend in a war I helped create. He seems to have forgiven me for getting him into that mess and making him lose his best friend, so I figure that I can forgive him now. 

"That's okay." I answer vaguely. "I'm just not sure about dating her." 

"Don't think you have it in you to date a Ravenclaw?" Goyle asked knowingly. "Don't worry about it. Becky likes you, it's obvious. Just don't act dumb." Goyle's never talked to me like this before; we didn't have that kind of relationship. I can't help but wonder how many years of close friendships have I missed? How many times has Goyle tried to be close to me, be my friend, and I just pushed him away? 

I decide right here and now that it's time for a change. It's time for Draco 2.0, and that means making some devastating decisions. 

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