Draco Malfoy-Potter

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Everything was in place. The walls decorated with flowers and ribbons, thanks to Hermione. I stood in my place, the music wafting through the air. Hermione and Ron started down the aisle. In my opinion, they were walking much too slow. I just wanted to see Harry. Harry. After an eternity, they finally made it down the aisle and parted to stand, one on each side. Hermione took her place next to me, which meant that it was Harry's turn.

And my God, the sight of him standing uncertaintly at the back of the church made my heart flutter so fast I feared it would pop right out of my chest. He smiled and started making his own way, following Ron's steps. His emerald green eyes sparkled, a little damp with tears, a little large with excitement. A little bit bright with love. I'm sure mine looked the same.

I reached up to wipe a tear that escaped down my cheek. "Merlins beard." I whispered as Harry came into full view, halfway down the aisle. He looked as if he had stolen all the light from the sun, all the sparkle from the stars, and all the hope in the world. His smile was genuine, woven with love. I couldn't have felt happier than I did right then, even if the world stopped spinning and every day was sunny. 

As soon as Harry reached his place directly in front of me, I grabbed his hands and held on tightly, determined to never let them go again. The minister cleared his throat and started on his speech, but I didn't pay attention. I was too busy memorizing every detail in Harry's face as he looked right that moment. 

"Draco, do you take this man to be your lawfully wedded husband-"

"I do!" I exclaim rather excitedly, rather loudly. I blush. Harry repeats his vow, and soon the minister tells me to kiss him. 

"I now pronounce you husband and husband. Draco, you may now-" I cut him off and reach for Harry's wonderful, heavenly hair, and pull his face to me. I kiss him without thinking about it, without waiting for him to tell me it's okay. 

When we finally pull away, we're both smiling the biggest, brightest smiles I've ever seen. We walk out of the room.

For the first time in my entire life, the raging hurricane of anger, sadness, and hatred finally calmed to a sea of happiness, comfort, passion, and love. 

"Scared, Potter?" I turn and ask Harry.

"Not with you next to me." He grins at me, "Draco Malfoy-Potter."

"What a wonderful sound." I sigh, kissing Harry on his neck. 

*Thank you guys so much for all your love and support throughout the story. I'm sad to say that this was the final chapter, as I'm starting high school soon and have been really busy. I tried my best to give you guys a wonderful end. You guys are all so amazing and I really appreciate your countless comments, votes, and reads. I love you all!*

* Also, I entered this into the wattys2017 awards, so please please please vote for it! I'd absolutely love it! Thanks again for all your support :) *

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