Draco 2.0

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I stand up from my seat. "Goyle," I say. I wait for Goyle to look at me before I continue. "It's time for a change."

"Great," says a girly voice. I sigh. Of course Becky would show up now. "How about we start with the hair?"

I reach my hand up to my slicked-back hair. "No way!" I protest. Becky throws her arms around my neck, laughing. 

"I'm just joking, Draco. Your hair is perfect!" I recoil, wanting to shove her off me. 

"Becky-" I stammer, "I need to talk to you about something." 

"Actually," Becky interrupts me, "I wanted to ask you something." She pulls me over to a quiet corner of the Great Hall. She leans over and whispers in my ear, "Would you be my boyfriend?" 

Oh. Crap. "Becky, you're really nice and all-" 

"Great!" Becky grins. She hugs me and before I can react, kisses me on the cheek. My eyes automatically shift over to where Harry is standing nearby, watching us. "I'll see you later then, boyfriend!" Becky tosses her hair over her shoulder and skips off. Harry turns around and starts stomping off. 

I hurry to catch up with him. "Harry!" I yell. "Harry Potter, you stop there right now and listen TO ME!" 

"What?" Harry shouts back, anger deepening his voice. "You're with her now. Becky." He spits her name out like it's garbage. "I can't believe I thought you ever loved me." Then, Harry spins on his heel and stomps away. I don't bother trying to catch up with him.

I don't bother explaining to him that I was never interested in Becky. 

But I know someone who will listen to me. 

"Hermione?" I turn around. She grins back at me. 


"I need you to do me a favor." I quickly explain what happened. I tell her that I was about to tell Becky that I wasn't interested, that I liked Harry, that I loved Harry, and that I didn't want this to happen. 

"So what do you want me to do?" Hermione asks cautiously. 

"Just-" I pause, trying to come up with a plan. Something snaps inside my head, "pretend to meet him somewhere tonight. Midnight. The steps right outside the entrance. I'll be there instead of you. I just-" my voice cracks here, "I just want to talk to him."

Hermione nods understandingly. "I felt the same way when Ron left." 

"So you'll do it?" 

"Yeah, but I can't guarantee that Harry will stay. You really upset him, Draco." 

"I know." A single tear escapes down my cheek, but I don't bother wiping it away. "Believe me, I know. I just want to start over. Try again. Fix everything."

"You can't fix everything, Draco." Hermione answers simply.

"But I can try, can't I?"

Scared, Potter?Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora