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"Harry, aren't you going to Hogsmeade?" Hermione asked. 

"Oh, uh, yeah, I mean, yes." I replied. Originally, I had hoped Hermione would have forgotten and I could have sneaked by her to meet Draco. But that obviously wasn't going to happen. Hermione frowned. 

"Harry, is something wrong?" 

"No, everything is...perfect." And it was. I had an amazing boyfriend, I was Quidditch captain, and I was doing alright on my classes. "Are you ready then?'

"Yeah," Hermione answered. She smiled at me as we went down the staircase. I glanced over at Draco who was sitting next to a pillar, waiting for me. I motioned for him to come along. Draco smiled, stood up, and started walking toward us.

"Wait a minute, Hermione," I said, pointing to Draco.

"Harry, what are you doing? He's your enemy!" Hermione screeched. She raised her wand. I held up my hand and chuckled. 

"Now, Hermione, don't you think we can forget our petty childish arguments and just be friends?"

"I really don't think that's a good idea..." Hermione replied harshly. She glowered at Draco. I turned to him and smiled. 

"So glad you could join us, Draco." I grinned. "Shall we be off then?" As we started walking, I leaned over to him. "Don't mind her, she's just still holding a grudge against you. For, you know, the whole Death Eater thing." 

"Ah, I see. Yeah, that makes me feel loads better." Draco replied sarcastically. His hand found mine and he squeezed it. I squeezed back. 

"Harry, can you come here for a moment?" Hermione called from a few feet away. 

"Uh, sure!" I called back. I looked at Draco. He nodded at me to go on ahead and that he would be waiting there for me. "Thanks," I told him. Then, I hurried the few feet to talk to Hermione. 

"Are you mad? He wanted you dead!" Hermione hit me with her glove. I winced. 

"Hermione, I- I think- I like him, Hermione."

"Who?" Hermione frowned. 

"Draco!" I cried, exasperated. 

"Harry," Hermione said cautiously, "I think he heard you."

"I don't care if he has! He's known so for a while now. And me too. Hermione, he and I, we're..." I trailed off. Hermione got the message. 

"What about Ginny?" She shrieked. 

"She's too....she's not right...for me. Her and I...we don't match right."

"Oh, and you and Draco do?" 

"Yeah, we do." Draco started walking toward us. His cheeks were pink in the cold October weather. He took my hand in his and held it tight. Hermione took a deep breath, her eyes glowering. "I like him, too, Hermione." 

"And I like you, Draco," I answered, my heart about to burst from happiness. "Well, you coming Hermione?"

"Yeah," Hermione said. Something was off about her voice though. And this time it wasn't anger. It was...laughter? 

"What is it?" Draco asked suspiciously. He noticed it, too. 

"You thought I didn't know about it? The ties, the sweatshirts, the amortentia potion! Harry, do you really think I'm that dumb?" Hermione cried hysterically. She doubled over from laughter. My cheeks flushed right then.

"Of course not, why didn't you say anything?"

"I figured you would when you wanted to." Hermione answered. "Well then, let's be off." 

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