Missing Assignments

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"Draco. Draco Malfoy." Professor McGonagall said sternly, stopping in front of my table. My head shoots up; I had been dreaming about Harry. Quite literally, I had fallen asleep in class. Not for the first time this week. "This is the fifth time you've fallen asleep. Wake up, and stay that way." I nod quietly, a sneer creeping onto my face. 

Professor McGonagall directs her attention to the whole class, still standing in front of my table. "Please hand in your parchment." 

"What?" I say, looking wide-eyed around the room as everyone pulls out a piece of parchment with writing on it. 

"Did you not do your homework, Draco? Detention, Mr. Malfoy." Professor McGonagall tells me. I yawn in response. "And you'd best be doing your homework then." 

"Yes, professor." I say quietly, looking down in shame. Crabbe and Goyle sit next to me, doing nothing, saying nothing, but I know they are wondering where I was last night. I got back from Harry and I's meeting at around 10:00 at night, and by then I was yawning and really tired. It was all I could do to change out of my robes and crawl into bed. Quidditch practice earlier that afternoon had been completely exhausting. I groaned, Flint was not going to be happy that I had found myself in detention. 

"What do you mean you got a detention? How? Malfoy," Flint shoves his face close to mine, so close I can smell his nasty breath, "you've got to stay out of trouble. You're the best on the team. No more detention, Malfoy, or you're off. And I'm sure there are plenty of Slytherins out there who want to see Potter defeated."

"No more detention," I say bravely, squaring my shoulders, "I'm staying Quidditch seeker. No worries." 

"There better not be." Flint says angrily. He spits in my face and walks away. I wipe the spit off my cheek and walk back to McGonagall's room for detention. 

"Start your essay, Mr. Malfoy." She says, not even looking up as I walk in. I pull out my quill, ink, and a small piece of parchment. "Oh, you're going to need a bigger piece than that." McGonagall smiles. She points to a shelf behind me with her wand. A long piece of parchment floats to me. "Fill that up." 

So that's my punishment. I must admit, it's a pretty good one. "Start writing, Mr. Malfoy." Professor McGonagall smiles at me. I pick up my quill and ink and start writing about the use of transfiguration in the olden days. 

The time ticks by slowly. Finally, I shake my hand and look at the parchment, reading the last sentence I wrote. Finished. I stand up and hand Professor McGonagall my parchment. She takes a short glance at it and sets it on her desk. "You're free to go, Mr. Malfoy." She says. I jump and hurry out of that room and down to the dungeons and to the Slytherin Common Room. 

Professor Snape assigned homework, as did Trelawney, Hagrid, and Professor Sprout. I checked the time and saw I had an hour before I was supposed to meet Potter.  I sat in one of the big chairs in front of the fireplace and started on my homework. 

Time passed and it was almost time to meet Harry. Since it was Friday, and we don't have school Saturday, I undressed and slipped into a pair of shorts and a dark, Slytherin branded hoodie. I grabbed my wand and darted off into the night to wait for Harry. 

Harry showed up a few seconds after I got to the pitch. We didn't even take the time to look at each other before we kissed.  Then, I led him into the middle of the pitch and we lay down. Harry lay down and I placed my head on his chest, so that my head moved up and down in sync with his breathing. 

We lay like that, talking about our days, about the world, about our lives, until it was time to go. 

"Here, take this," I slipped my Slytherin sweatshirt off and held it out to him. I shivered in the cold.

"Here, you can have this," Harry replied, taking my sweatshirt and in return handing me his own Gryffindor branded hoodie. 

"Thanks," I took the sweatshirt and held it up to my nose, smelling him. "It smells like you."

"No way, really? I've only worn it for the whole night!" Harry laughed, his voice dripping with sarcasm. I laughed as well. Then, I slipped the hoodie on and drew it close. The sweatshirt was a little too big on me, so it covered the palms of my hands. I hugged it to me so I could smell his scent and kissed Harry's cheek in good-bye. Harry kissed my forehead and we walked hand in hand back to the castle until we had to part ways to go to our own separate dormitories.

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