Christmas Morning

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"Wake up, Scarface!" I say quite loudly into my snoring boyfriend's ear. I shake his shoulders. Harry shows no sign of waking up. Finally, I sigh quite loudly (happily, I might add) and lean over and kiss his cheek. Slowly, Harry's eyes flutter open. 

"Draco..." He yawns, stretching his arms. "Good morning."

"Merry Christmas, Potter!" I exclaim giddily. I clap my hands together and pull Harry out of bed. I drag him down the staircase and into the parlor where we set up the tree the night before. It had been a grand time; Harry was asking me about all the ornaments we had and I told him the history behind each one. 

"Look!" I point to the few gifts lying under the tree. Harry and I scurry over and start sifting through the gifts, acting like little Muggle children. I stop every once in awhile and watch Harry's eyes light up every time he sees a gift for him. 

"Harry, you act like you've never had Christmas before," I mention at one point. Harry looks at me, his face all serious. 

"Back when I was younger, I never got any gifts except tissues or socks or so. Then, I met the Weasleys and I got a sweater and for my birthday I got a gift. It wasn't much, but it was all I got. Now, though, I'm getting more than one gift."

"Oh, Potter, I didn't-" I stammer, realizing my mistake. "I'm so sorry. But really, no Christmas?"

"This is my first one other than the Weasleys." Harry looks down at the small gift he's holding in his hands. "Thanks."

"No problem," I say so quietly that Harry probably didn't hear me. In my head, I start thinking about how horrid Harry's childhood must have been. I resolve to fix this issue. No Christmas? How absolutely awful...

Soon all the gifts have been seperated between the two of us. "You go first, Potter." I say. He grins and reaches for the small package I gave him. "Uh, save that for last." I blush. Harry laughs nervously and reaches for another package. 

"It's from...the Weasleys." Harry tears open the brown wrapping paper to reveal a famous Weasley sweater. "Oh, good. Another one!" Harry slips it on over his pajama top. "It's perfect." He jokes. I laugh at his oversized sweater. "Okay, your turn, Draco." 

I smile when my name leaves his lips. I reach for a package similar to Harry's. "Hey, this is from the Weasleys too. What would they send me?" Harry shrugs. I tear the wrapping off the package to reveal a Weasley sweater of my own. "Hey, now we match!" I laugh. Harry laughs too. He flips open his camera and I scoot closer to him. We take a picture of ourselves wearing our sweaters before we continue unwrapping all our gifts. 

Finally, we reach the last gift: Harry's little box. I smile and try to look as adorable as possible as he unwraps it. He opens the little jewelry box inside the gift and gasps he notices the ring inside. He looks back up at me, blackish brown hair all over the place, green eyes becoming glassy. I hold up the wrapping paper to show him the note I wrote inside that says, "I promise you eternity" and in the other hand I hold a replica of the promise ring in Harry's hand. 

Harry nods and he lets me slip the ring onto his left hand ring finger. I let him do the same for me and we share a kiss that lets us slip away from our pajama bottoms and Weasley sweaters into eternity. 

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