Big Mistake Chapter Two

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Lee Anna’s Pov

            Last night my twin sister, Lilly and I decided to get out of LA for a few nights. We had found my boyfriend and his best friend in the arms of some chick. Yes, you heard me right they were both with the same woman, needless to say that I broke up with him. Since I was off for a few weeks vacations and Lilly didn’t work we decided to head to Las Vegas to one of daddy’s hotels.  Plus we had just turned 21 about a week ago. So we packed a bad, and headed up to Vegas. We didn’t tell anyone we were leaving.  Once we got to Vegas, we unpacked our clothes that we brought, and then started getting ready to go to the bar. I found one that was about a block away from our hotel.

            On the way to the bar, Lilly called Daniel; he is her best friend/lover/doctor/adopted brother. That is right he is our brother, our father adopted him when he was six because his father and mother were killed in an accident, plus daddy and momma hadn’t had us twins yet. I heard her on the phone “Hey Daniel, Lee Anna and I headed up to Vegas. She broke up with Alex, and I wanted a break from LA.” Then it was quite, next I hear “no, I am ok. Tell daddy for me. Love you too.” With that she hung up the phone.

Before we get into what happened at the bar I guess you should know a little bit about the family.  Let’s start with Daddy is Lucas Jonas; he is a multi-billionaire that is a lawyer, as well as owns several hotels. He is in his late 50’s.  He is also a single parent, since momma died giving birth to Lilly and I.  Next is Daniel. He is the typical older brother, of course he is in love with Lilly, but that doesn’t matter much. He is ten years older than us, and he is a doctor. Daddy has already told him that he can marry Lilly. Then there is Lilly and I. Me, I am the bad sister, I am the partier, and all of that. I use to sneak out of the house and go to parties and I hung with the wrong type of crowed. Know I am in law school with only two more years left; I currently work with daddy as a receptionist/paralegal. Lilly on the other hand, when we were born she had some complications. She was born with a heart problem. She also has diabetes, and she cannot handle too much stress. The doctors say that she has a heart murmur and some other things that I can’t remember. Since Daniel loves her so much he became a doctor to help take better care of her when she is really sick. We are also Identical twins. We have long brown hair, with bright blue eyes. We stand in at five foot nine.

As soon as we got to the bar the bouncer let us in right away.  I mean we were to hot chicks and we knew it. Since we were celebrating our 21st birthday, plus I was upset about Alex, Lilly and I started drinking shots of tequila to start off our night. After about three shots we had some Sex-On-The-Beach. All anyone could say is that we were getting really wasted, but I knew how to handle my alcohol, but it felt so good to let loose and not worry about anything. Next thing I know after we had dances some on the dance floor, two guys came up to us and asked to buy us some drinks. Lilly and I both agreed to let them.

The first guy that started talking was six foot three inches tall, brown hair, and green eyes. And boy was he buff. He finally introduced himself as Christian. His friend’s name was Sam. He was six foot, blond hair and brown eyes.  They both we digging Lilly and I. Christina was flirting with Lilly, and Sam with me, but I was too drunk to mind or even think about it. They had been making sure we had plenty of drinks, we had done tons of Crown Royal shots, plus when we weren’t doing shots they made sure that Lilly and I had Malibu rum mixed with pineapple juice.

After hours of dancing, drinking and talking, we all decided it was time to leave the bar. We could all barley walk straight but none of us was driving anyway. However, I did remember that before we left the bar Christian asked Lilly “I know we only know each other for about three hours, but will you marry me?” She was laughing her head off and said “Yes, I will.”  We were all drunk to really realize what was going on.

After leaving the bar, we all headed to a 24/7 wedding Chapel, where we bought dresses, and rings. Her ring was a karat of topaz and diamonds. Finally after changing and all they got married. After they were married, we all headed to our respective hotels. However, it turns out the guys were staying at our hotel. Once we were in the lobby, I told Sam goodnight, as he was trying to hit on me. Then I turned to Lilly and kissed her. “Well I guess I will see you tomorrow morning. Don’t do anything two stupid.” “Of course not, see you in the morning sis.”

Lilly went up to Christians room, I really didn’t care since they were married now, and I was still drunk. Plus it was five in the morning. I headed up to the penthouse and changed my clothes. Then I grabbed two Tylenol and drank some water. After all of that I was out like a light. I would have slept all day if it wasn’t for someone coming into the room yelling and screaming at the top of their lungs.

“OH MY GOD LEE ANNA, WHAT DID I DO LAST NIGHT?” before I could answer she just kept on talking. “I mean I wake up with this ring on my finger and in this dress. Do you know how much trouble I could be in if Daddy or Daniel find out about this?” I sat listening to her and praying that daddy and our brother didn’t find out, only because they would kill us for what we did. I mean Lilly since she got married, me because I let her. Finally she shut up so I could talk. “Well Lilly, it looks like you got married. Um where is the man that you’re married?” “I left him in his room; as soon as I woke up I came running here. I mean it has only been three hours but still, what the hell did I do? How could you let me do this?” “We were drunk, we did stupid things.” “Yeah, but I don’t feel too well now. I am going to lie down and go back to sleep, plus I am going to think about how to get out of this mess.” OK, I’m going to the living room and watching TV.”

With that being said, I grabbed my pillow and blanket, since we shared a room, and headed into the living room. I was feeling a little better; at least I didn’t have a hangover.

Deciding that I needed a shower I went and took one. It made me feel a 100 percent better. Plus I needed to wash all the make-up and the alcohol smells from my hair. After my shower I was hungry so I called room service and ordered 2 scrambled eggs, toast and bacon.  While I was waiting on the server to bring it to me, the door opened and Daniel walked in. I knew that we were screwed now. “Hey sis, Lilly called and said that you two were up here, and I decided to come on over since I was going to come up next week anyway. So where is Lilly at?”

“Um, she is um, she is in bed. We were up late last night, and she is still sleeping.” “OH, ok, well I’m going to call dad and let him know I made it.” “That’s cool; I’ll go check on Lilly while you are on the phone.” I know I looked panicked, and I was. I was praying she changed her clothes since she was in a wedding dress. Before I could get too far I heard Daniel “Stop right there Lee Anna, what is going on. There is something that you are not telling me.” I gulped and he saw me, before I could say anything Daniel was like “go sit on the couch, I will go check on Lilly myself.” “No, I will I’m up and you have to go call daddy.” “It’s fine; I will call him in a little bit. You are going to go sit on the couch; after I check on Lilly I will come back and talk to you. I am going to find out what you are hiding.”

With that he walked to our room. I did as he said, otherwise he would tell daddy about it. All I could do is pray that my sister had taken the ring, and dress off before going back to sleep. If she didn’t then I know we would be dead in about thirty minutes. It didn’t take me long to find out if my prayers where heard.

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