Big Mistake Chapter Eight

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Lee Anna

            We had just gotten to the table and Lilly had started puking, I knew that something wasn’t right and I should have said something when I noticed it. As soon as she started puking Daniel grabbed her to help support her, and he pulled her hair back. When she finally stopped, all of us headed to the car, Daniel carried Lilly in his arms, I made sure to stop and pay for our dinner. I was glad he was with us.

            When we got to the car Christian was like “is she ok, or going to be ok?” I spoke up, that way Daniel didn’t have to say much as he was focusing on Lilly. “She should be ok, I think she has had to much stress since we have arrived and that is my fault.  I should have known not to let her go out and party, but ever since we were little she has been sick, and I know she wanted to act normal for a change. Daniel will take her back to the hotel and run some test on her, and she can rest.  I guess she didn’t get enough yesterday.” “Well is there anythgin we can do for her?” “No, we just have to stay out of his way.” “Oh ok.” We all headed back to the hotel, when we got inside the building Daniel was carrying Lilly, and she looked like she was asleep. He was like “Christian it was nice to meet you, when Lilly is better we should hang out sometime. Why don’t you hang out with Lee Anna though, it looked like you to may hit it off. Sam, if I hear you saying one thing my sister doesn’t like I will come kick your ass.” Both guys told him it was nice to meet him and Sam said he would be nice. Christian agreed to hang out with me.

            However, as soon as Daniel left Christian was like “so Lee Anna I was wondering if you wanted to go on a date with me. I know we just met and we thought I was married to your sister but I think I like you.” “Yes, I would love to, what time do you want to go out?” “Well as it is two now, and I think that you want to go check on your sister, how about seven. If you can’t make it just let me know and we can make it another time.” That sounds like a good plan.  I will see you at seven; do you want to meet down here?” “Yes, that sounds fine.”  With that being said both guys walked up to the elevator to head to their room. I went to receptionist and told them that room 1205 was to be comped of everything while the two guys were staying here.

            After I walked away from the receptionist my phone started ringing so I answered it after I saw that it was daddy. “Hi Daddy.” “Hi sweetie, what are you up to?” “Not much daddy, just going to go check on Lilly.” “Oh, what is wrong with your sister?” “Well we went out today with some guys that we meet for a little while and she got really sick, so Daniel brought her back to the hotel.” “Oh tell your brother to call me when you get to the suite and how did you meet these guys?” “Well we meet the other night when we went out.” “Before your brother got there?” “Yes sir, but he met them and he likes the one guy I am actually going out with him tonight.” “Well as long as Daniel likes him that fine, so I was thinking that I need a break from the office, and I haven’t spent time with my two lovely girls in a while, so how about I come to Vegas and we stay up there for a while.” “Oh daddy that sounds like a good plan. Then you can meet the guy that I am going out with.” “OK, well I will be there either tonight or tomorrow morning.” “OK daddy, I’ll see you then, love you.” “Love you to Lee Anna.” With that I hung up the phone and walked back over to the receptionist, “I just wanted to let you know that daddy will be here tonight or tomorrow.” “Thanks Lee Anna, I will let the staff now that Mr. Jonas will be in.”

            When I was though letting her now I headed up to the suit to find out how Lilly was. Daniel was in the living room with a nurse talking to her, so when he was done I talked to him. “Hey bro, dad called, he wants you to call him. Oh and he will be here either tonight or tomorrow.” “Ok, I’ll go call him in a minute. I thought you were going out with Christian?” “I am, but we are going to go out tonight at seven. I wanted to check on Lilly and see how she is doing.” “Oh, well she was severely dehydrated again so I am giving her some fluid. Then I went ahead and took some blood and am sending them to the lab. I am not quite sure why she is getting sick again unless the cancer has come back.” “God I hope not, I don’t want to lose her. If anything changes let me know. I am going to go get ready for my date.” “Lee Anna, don’t do anything stupid, he seems like a nice guy. And please be careful, I don’t want you to get hurt.” “I will be ok, and I won’t do anything stupid I hope.” “OK, well I am going to go back in there with Lilly, if you need me come and get me.” “I will, love you Daniel, thank you for being there for Lilly.” “Anytime little sis, anytime.” After our conversation, I headed into my room to start getting ready. I wanted a shower, and I had no idea what I was going to where. I just knew I had three hours to get ready in.

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