Big Mistake Chapter Fifteen Pt. 2

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            After finding out that my sister got married to Christian I was so happy for her. Of course she was happy for me because I married Daniel and we found out that I was having a baby, and my cancer came back. She wasn’t that happy, but she was happy that I was having a baby.  Daniel of course told me that we would have to stay in Vegas since I was too sick to travel, which I really was so I agreed. Daddy stated in Vegas with us as well, he had his other attorney’s in his law firm take over for him so he could stay with us, which I was so happy about. Sometimes he would sit with me and we would just sit and watch TV or talk. On my good days he would wheel me out to the pool so I could get some sun. When I was with daddy Daniel would be in the lab trying to figure out what to do about my situation.

            Every month I would get worse, from the cancer. I was getting weaker and weaker every day, and there was nothing anyone could do for me. By the end of my 25 week going into my 26 week I wasn’t able to eat food, and I seemed to be losing weight, so Daniel had to give me a feeding tube so the baby wouldn’t suffer. Every day Lee Anna would call on the phone, and I would have Daniel and daddy tell her that everything was ok, and that I was either out or sleeping. I didn’t want to bother her with what was going on, since she was a newlywed and all that. They did tell me that she was doing well and that she was a partner with her husband. I was so happy about that.

            Time started flying and I was coming up to my ninth month in my pregnancy. By this time I was so weak I couldn’t move at all, Daniel had to help me do everything. We had been talking about going ahead and taking the baby, since my body was in such bad shape, however I told him I wanted to wait for as long as possible, because we were still in a danger state with the baby, he was healthy, I just wasn’t.  Daniel had daddy try to talk me into it, but I told them no, I wanted our child to be as healthy as could be, so they backed off. During the pregnancy I never found out what I was having, and I told Daniel that he couldn’t tell me either. However, we did talk about names and we got down to two names one for a boy and one for a girl.

            One day when I was actually feeling a little better, I told Daniel “Baby, I want something to eat. And I need to get out of this room.” “I will take you out, but as for the food, I will see you haven’t had solid food in eight four months, so we have to be careful.” So he took me to the patio and I got to sit out in there for a while, enjoying the warmth of the sun. While I was out there I was talking to the baby and rubbing my belly. “You know jelly bean, mommy loves you so much, and I am going to be so happy when you are here with me and daddy. He loves you to. So doesn’t grandpa and Aunt Lee Anna, and Uncle Christian. Even though those two are in Texas they love you to.” I guess while talking to the baby I fell asleep and I slept so sound,  I didn’t even feel Daniel come get me and put me back in bed.


            As my wife has told you she has been really sick. I have tried everything I knew to make her better but we can’t do anything because of the baby. She and I have talked about it and we both know there is a chance that she may not make it during the delivery, but she won’t let me take the baby now, so that I can save her. I know that we are having a son, and I have done test to see if he will have the same problems that his mom has and so far the test come back negative. I make sure that dad spends a lot of time with her, but we haven’t told him that she might not make it. But I stay by her side and do everything I can for her. When I am not with her I am in the lab studying what I can do, which so far there has been no luck.

            It was going into her ninth month of pregnancy when Lee Anna showed up. Lilly didn’t want her sister to know that she wasn’t doing well so both dad and I have been telling her that she is fine. When she showed up it was one of Lilly’s good day’s but Lilly fell asleep outside so I took her in the room and told Lee Anna that she was asleep. So she talked to dad and I for a little while then her and Christian headed out. They were staying with us until Sunday, but I had no idea how I was going to tell her that she couldn’t see Lilly. Saturday I told Lee and Christian that Lilly was not feeling up to company so they spent the day with dad. After dad came home he spent time with Lilly and told her about her sister. Lilly was happy that Lee Anna was here, but she just didn’t want to have her see her like this.

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