Big Mistake Chapter Seven

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Lee Anna

            On our way to the chapel the guys started talking. Daniel asked a question, the Christian spoke. After that Sam spoke up and if I could have I would have slapped him, but Lilly made Sam and Daniel stop arguing. Once we were in the chapel we had to wait on the priest guy. Lilly asked him what happened and he let us know that no one was married that night and that I paid him to act like they were being married. I must have been drunk as I don’t remember that, but I am glade since Lilly and Daniel belong together. Finally we were able to leave so we all headed to the limo. We were all quite till we got in. “So since Lilly and I didn’t get married lets go celebrate, I am happy that I am not married as I am not ready for marriage.”

            I looked over at Lilly ad Daniel; they shook their heads yes so I was like “sure why not, let’s all go out for some lunch.” “Daniel agreed to this as well as the two guys did, so we all went to a Mexican restaurant. The three guys and I had beer to drink and Lilly had water. I noticed that she wasn’t looking well, but I didn’t say anything right away.  After all our ordering was done we all started talking.

            “So Lee Anna, how come you and Lilly came to Vegas and went to the Bar?” “Well we just turned 21 and I wanted to party so I came here, and I brought my sister with me.” “So where are you guys from.” Lilly was like “we live in LA.” Sam was like “cool, I bet you three are loaded then especially since you are all staying in the penthouse suite.” “I don’t think that is any of your business Sam, nor will either of the twins answer that question.” And those are the times that I can say I love my big brother, because he knows how to protect us.

            Finally are food arrived so we all stopped talking and just ate. While eating Christian asked “so Lee Anna what type of work do you do?” “Right now I am a receptionist for my dad, at his law firm.” “Cool that must be fun.” “Well for now it is, once I graduate college, he is going to let me work with him on projects. So what do you do?” Before Christian could answer I looked over at Lilly and Daniel and I saw they were talking. Then I heard Christian say “I own my own law firm in Dallas.” “Sweet you’re an attorney.” “Well I didn’t have the brains for med school and I wanted to be able to help people. What do you go to school for?”  “I’m in my final year of Law School.” Christian started laughing, and the other three was just watching us. I’m not sure why though.

                        When the four of us was done eating, I noticed that Lilly hadn’t eaten, and we had another beer. That was when Daniel started talking. “So Christian what type of law do you practice?” I’m in family law. I like helping parents finding out what is best for the kids and not the parents.” “That’s nice of you, if it wasn’t for Lilly being sick when we were younger I would have become an attorney as well, but I knew I needed to fix her so I became a doctor.” Sam popped in to the conversation. “So are you there half-brother or something? I mean you are very protective of Lilly.”  “No, I am there adoptive brother.”

            While the guys were talking I looked at my sister. I knew something was wrong because she had barely touched her food. “Hey Lil, why don’t we go to the restroom, I know I need to go.” In a small voice she was like “yes that would be good.” So we got up and I walked beside her since she seemed weak. “Lil are you ok?” “Yes I am fine why?” “You just don’t look good, plus you didn’t eat much of your lunch and you didn’t eat much breakfast.” “Oh please don’t start, Daniel already got on to me, I’m just not that hungry.” We did our business and I dropped the conversation, but I knew something was up with my sister.

            We headed back to the table, and I saw that they guys were talking. I thought that was good, because I was starting to like Christian and I think he liked me as well.  When we got close to the table, Lilly started using me to help support herself, so I knew her legs must have been hurting her. As soon as we got to the table she grabbed her chair to help her stand, but then she doubled over and started puking.

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