Big Mistake Chapter Thirteen

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The next morning I woke up feeling a little better. I now knew why I was so sick, and I knew that Daniel would be finding a way for our situation to work. We had talked in the past and we both knew we wanted a child, we just didn’t know if I could carry, but I guess so far I can. After I took a shower I headed into the living room to find him. Daniel was sitting in the chair reading a book. “Morning hunny, why didn’t you wake me up?” “You need your sleep now more than ever.” “Well, you could have woke me up.” “Na, I wanted to let you sleep. So we need to go see dad soon, and talk to him about everything. You know we are not traveling, now that you are pregnant. I don’t want to put no strain on you, and if you leave the hotel, you will be in a wheelchair and I will be with you at all times.” “Ugh, you don’t have to do this. And I don’t want to have to stay here until the baby is born I want to go home. And I guess we should go talk to dad is he in his office? And I am walking up there.” “Yes he is in his office. I will let you walk around here for now, but if you get to tired you are going in the chair.” “Fine.” I kissed him on his mouth and then started for the door. I knew we were going to be in a bunch of trouble for not telling daddy that we got married but I didn’t care, as I was with the man I loved.

            Once we got to daddy’s office I knocked on the door, and when he said to come in we both went in. “Ah, my two of my favorite children. What brings you two up here?” “Well we thought that we would talk. As you know what is wrong, and I know that you wanted more details.” “Yes, well I knew all along that you two would get married. That is one of the reason that I adopted Daniel, his parents and I agreed that one day you would be married. I just wish that you would have invited me and Lee Anna to the wedding.” “Well, it was a simple thing down at the courthouse; I didn’t want anyone but us there. I was a little sick that day, and we both got married in jeans. After words we went home and I went to sleep. We had been living together for years now; we just wanted to make it official. When I am better then we will have a real wedding. For now we just wanted to focus on me getting better.” “Well, if that is the way you to feel then I can’t blame you. Now about this baby, what are you two planning on doing?” “Well, dad I have decided that we will stay here until she delivers, as I don’t want her traveling. Also if she leaves the hotel I will be with her and she is not allowed to walk.” “Well, then I will stay here as well, in case you need my help. Besides I need a break from the law firm. Have you two told Lee Anna yet?” “No, we came to talk to you as soon as Lilly woke up.” “I plan on telling her tonight when she comes home.” “You don’t know do you?” “Know what daddy?” “Lee Anna got married last night. She is staying in the honeymoon suite.” “I forgot to tell you before we came up here.” “Who did she marry?” “Christian.” “Good, those two looked good together. Now I am hungry and all of a sudden sleepy, can we go back to the room?” “Yes, can you walk?” “Yes, I will walk. Daddy I love you and will see you later.” “OK baby girl, go get some rest. Daniel, I will be talking with you later.” “Yes sir.”

            After talking to daddy, we went back to the room. I was supper tired and didn’t want to eat anymore, so I told Daniel I was going to take a nap and then I would eat. He wasn’t to happy about it, but let me do so anyway. After my nap I ended up eating some soup and went back to sleep, I didn’t have much energy. The second time I woke up Lee Anna was in the suite so I went into the living room. Everyone was talking, but when I walked in they stopped. “Hey sis, what are you doing out of bed?” “I heard you and Daniel and I need to speak with you about something.” “Oh, what is it?” “Well first of I want to say congratulations on getting married. Christian, you do anything to hurt my sister and Daniel will kill you for me. Now back to you Lee Anna, I just want to tell you that Daniel and I got married last month.” “What, really I am so happy for you to.” “Yes, now as well all know I have been sick since the morning after we all arrived. Well the test results came back positive for two things.” “OH GOD the cancer is back isn’t it?” “Yes, the cancer is back, but we don’t know how far it is at the moment. We only found out last night. But another test came back positive. Lee Anna, you are going to be an aunt.”  She just looked at me funny, and then was like “wait huh?” “I’m pregnant, about two to three weeks along now, so Daniel and I will be staying here in Vegas until after the baby is born.” Christian, was like “congratulations you two.” “Thanks dude it means a lot to the both of us. Lilly and I are happy.” “Wait, you two can’t be serious Lilly you are sick, and you are going to have a baby. I mean what about chemo and all that?” “For now I can’t do any of that, we will take it day by day like I have done since we were little. Everything will be fine. You will be in Texas with you husband and I will talk to you every day.” “I don’t like this one bit, but I am happy for you two.”

            After talking with Lee Anna, I decided it was time for a hot bath, and for some more soup. So Daniel ordered my soup then he joined me in the bath tub. We sat in the water with him holding me. I knew everything would be fine, it always was. After our bath, we cuddled on the couch watching TV, and eating some potato soup. That is how we spent most of our days cuddling on the couch watching TV. I never did feel that up to going out and about, but Daniel would make me walk around the hotel. Pretty soon I couldn’t even do that as the cancer was progressing faster than it had before since I couldn’t take the chemo. Three days after telling Lee Anna, her and Christian left so that she could move all of here things to his place. Daddy went with them but a week later he came back to Vegas.

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