Big Mistake Chapter Four

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Lee Anna

After Daniel went into the bedroom I could hear him yelling at Lily, he even used her whole name. I couldn’t hear everything that he said, but I’m guessing she had her ring on or the dress on. After a little while he came out to get his doctor bag.

“Dan, why are you getting that? If Lil ok?” “I don’t know, whatever she drank is messing with her body and her meds. You shouldn’t have let her drink. Then we wouldn’t’ be in this situation.” “Well excuse me, I didn’t make her drink so don’t blame me. Let me know if my sister is ok, I’m going out.” “Good, I’m going to give her something to help her sleep, try not to bother us. If you see that man that she married give him my number.” “No, I don’t think I will. I will wait until Lilly is able to deal with him.” “LEE ANNA DON’T EVEN STATE I WILL DEAL WITH THIS MESS, SINCE SHE IS SICK.” “WHAT EVER, I’m out of here.”

I got dressed and left, I decided to go to the pool for a swim, then I was going to go shopping. However, since it was still early, I was hungry so I went to the restaurant for some breakfast. I ended up with eggs benedict and a fruit salad. While eating the guys from last night showed up and they came up to talk with me. Sam was the first one to start talking. “Hey your one of the chicks from last night. Where is your sister at?” “She’s in our room; she’s not feeling well today.” “Yeah well, we need her to figure out what my friend and she did last night. So why don’t just go get her.” “For one, she is with a doctor you idiot. She is sick, and he is making her sleep today. For second I don’t think I like you tone. So why don’t you just stay away from me. And we will find out what they did last night tomorrow when she is better.”  “I’m sorry about my friend ma’am, but he can be so rude sometimes. Tomorrow will be just fine, for me, I am in no hurry; I hope your sister is doing better by then. I have some things to do and Sam will be with me so I will make sure that he stays away from you. Also we are staying in room 1205; if there is anything that you need us to do I will be more then glad to help.” “Thank you Christian, that is so kind of you. I have some places to be, so I will see you later.”

The two guys left so I headed out for some shopping. I decided not to go swimming, so instead I decided to have a spa day and to go to several different stores. I ended up getting my hair done. I decided to get it cut shoulder length and died it strawberry blond. Once my hair was done I went and got a full body wax, and then a Mani-Pedi. Once my spa day was over and I went shopping. I was in needed a few pairs of jeans and a few tops.  Once I was done shopping I headed home. As I was getting into the elevator Sam was as well, I didn’t care until after I pushed the button for the Penthouse. “Day-um girl, if you are staying in the penthouse you must be rich or something.”  That pissed me of so I gave him a dirty look and then I told him “Yes I am or something.” “Well, I should have married you and not let Christian marry your sister.” “Let me tell you something jerk I will never in a million years marry you. You are a sick sexist pig that needs a little help!” After I said that we were on the 12th floor so he got off, but before he did he was like “So you want to go out later.” And he was smirking the whole time. “No I don’t want to go out with you, your nothing but a pig.  That was when the doors closed.

Finally I made it back to the suit, it was a little after nine O’clock and I was starting to get a little hungry. Lilly and Daniel were watching movies, so after I changed clothes and took a quick shower, I headed into the living room and watch the movies with them. It felt really nice to actually sit down and watch a movie with the both of them; it was something we hadn’t done in a long time. After one of the movies was over I felt that I should tell my sibling what I had found out. So while Danni was putting in a new movie I told them.

“So while I was getting breakfast this morning I ran into the two guys from last night.” “Really, and you didn’t call me?” “No, I didn’t, I told Christian that Lilly was sick and that she should be better by tomorrow. He had something’s that he needed to take care of today and that he would be able to get this done tomorrow.  He wants it over with and find out what happened. Anyway, I do know that they are in room 1205. Also his friend Sam is a big dick, and I don’t like him.” “Well that’s good to know. So we will take care of this tomorrow. After we all wake up.” “That sounds fine with me. But right now I am going to bed. I will see you all in the morning. Night.” I got a Night sis back from both of them.

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