Big Mistake Chapter Twelve

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Lee Anna

            Once Christian and I got off the elevator he picked me up and carried me to our room. Without ever putting me down he opened the door, and carried me into the room. I was too busy keeping my mouth connected to his to even look around. As soon as he put me on the bed, he started stripping. I just stared and watched, while sucking on my bottom lip as my husband was handsome as hell. After he was down to just his boxers, he was like “you really shouldn’t suck on that bottom lip of yours.” “Oh and why is that Mr. Owens?” “Well Mrs. Owens, that is my job to do.” And let me tell you, he did and it was so good. He started kissing my lips and then he started sucking on my bottom lip. While he was doing that, he was getting me naked. Without knowing it he had me in my birthday suit. “Baby, you are all mine now, and I am so glad that I fund you. I know we don’t know each other that well, but baby I am going to blow your mind. Do you trust me?” “Yes, Christian I trust you.” “Good.”

            After I told him I trusted him, he took his tie and bound my hands over my head. “I am sure that you have never done anything like this from the shocked expression on your face. But, it will be ok.” With that, he took off his boxers and climbed on the bed. He started kissing me all over my body, and worked his way down to my breast, then to my sweet spot. When he got there he kissed me, then he started licking and sucking on me. Boy did it feel so good. With my hands tied up, there I couldn’t touch his head and make him put his tongue deeper like I wanted to. But he still had me cumming for him. After my initial orgasm he started working his way back up to my mouth. “I know that you wanted to make me go deeper but I have plans for us tonight and that just wouldn’t work with them.” I was still panting, but then he covered my mouth with his, lined up his stick with my hot spot and while kissing me pushed in. As soon as he was inside of me he undid my hands. Let’s just say that, while we were making love, I was so worked up, and he had me going off every three minutes. My husband and I made love that night and I can’t tell you how many orgasms he gave me, but every time he covered my mouth with his when I was screaming and that just made it better for me.

            After hours of making love with my husband we both fell asleep and didn’t wake up unit we heard a knock on the door. Christian got up and answered it, when he came back; he informed me “one of the maids came to tell us that your father is requesting us in his office. We are to be there in ten minutes.”  So we both jumped into a shower, of course we couldn’t keep our hands off of one another so we had another round in the shower, and he had me pushed up against the wall and everything. It didn’t take us to long in the shower, but we were running a little late when we got to daddy’s office.  Before we got to the office Christian stated “you know, we didn’t talk last night, about how we got the room and who you dad is. Are you going to tell me before I meet him again?” “Ok, I will give you the short version for now.” “OK, what is it?” “Well Daddy is Lucas Jonas he is an attorney in California, and he is also the owner of several hotels around the world. This is one of them.” “Wait you are one of his daughters, oh shit, please tell me he isn’t going to kill me. I mean I have worked against him in the past.” “Well he shouldn’t besides I’m in love with you and he won’t hurt you.” “If you say so.” With that we went into daddy’s office.

            As soon as we were in daddy’s office he kind of looked a little stressed out. “You two kids take a seat we need to talk.” We did as he told us to do, and Christian looked like he was ready to run, he was scared. “OK, so I don’t know why you two decided to get married, but as long as you don’t hurt my daughter we will be fine. I know you are a lawyer and you have your own office and everything. So you better treat her like the princess she is. And you young lady had better finish school as planned. Do I make myself clear?” “Yes daddy, I will finish school, but I plan on moving to Texas with Christian.” “As long as he has a big enough home for you I don’t see that that is a problem. Of course, I will be escorting you two to Texas to make sure that everything is suitable for my daughter.” “Of course sir, I would be honored. And I thank you for not killing me over marrying your daughter.” “Well, I actually like you, so why would I, I know your parents, and I have known you since you were little, you just forgot me.  And I know that you are ten years older than my daughter, and I am ok with that.” “Wait you know me?” “Yes, you mother was my wife’s best friend, but when your parents moved, and my wife died we didn’t stay in contact us much, but I did know that you went to law school and was top in your class.  I have been keeping an eye on you, because my wife asked me too.” “Well, sir I am honored to finally meet you and I would like to say that I love your daughter, even if I just meet her. Lee Anna seems to be just what I need.”       After talking to daddy, we both left his office feeling better about our situation. We decided to head out for a brunch, but before we did we went and checked on Lilly.

            Once we were in the penthouse, Daniel was in the living room on the couch. “Hey big bro, I want you to meet my husband.” “What are you talking about Lee Anna?” “Well, last night we got married.” “Dude, you hurt my sister, I will kill you.” “I don’t plan on it but you will have to get in line as that is what you dad told me.” “Good and I will get away with it too.” “I don’t doubt that you wouldn’t, since you are a doctor and all.” After that we all started laughing. “I’m happy for you two; you seem like a good couple. So what brings you up here?” “Well I wanted to know how my sister is.” “Oh, well she is doing better, she is still asleep. I couldn’t sleep so I came out here.” “Well did you get the results back?” “Yes, we did and I can’t tell you all of them, until I talk with her about it.” “Well what can you tell me?” “Well, the cancer has come back, but I am not sure how bad yet.” “OK, well as soon as you can tell me anything else please calls me or have her call me.” “I will Lee Anna, but you should go spend time with your husband. Before you both have to leave Vegas, and start in the real world.” I hugged my brother and then we left.

            We decided to head out of the hotel for a while, so we went and got something to eat and then we spent the day going around Vegas. We had such a fun time, and not once did we run into Sam. “Baby, how come you haven’t talked to Sam today?” “Oh, well I just didn’t want to ruin out day. But I think I should call him.” “Ok, why don’t you do that while I am in the restroom?” “I think that is a lovely plan.” So I headed to the restroom and Christian called Sam to tell him what had happened and was going on.

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