Big Mistake Chapter Fourteen Pt. One

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Lee Anna

            Things have been going really well for me and Christian. We have been in Texas for about eight months now. I went was able to finish school, and I am now an attorney in his practice, well actually I am a partner since I am his wife.  Plus it is only us in his office, other than his secretary and the two paralegals that work with us. After we came home, as this is my home now, daddy was with us. He approved of Christian’s home. It was just perfect for us.

            I did find out that my husband has a little fetish and boy did he turn me onto it. During the day when we are at work or in public we are the perfect couple. However, when we get home everything changes. Christian becomes my master. Yes you heard me right, he is my master. No he isn’t mean or anything he is only my master in the bedroom and not all the time either.  But when we play he takes such good care of me. Of course I do, do things that make him punish me, but I only do it when I am in the mood for us to play a good game.

            During these last few months I call Daniel every day to find out about Lilly. So far she has been doing ok or that is what Daniel keeps telling me. I never can talk to her because she is always asleep when I call. They decided to stay in Las Vegas, until she has the baby. I was upset that they got married and never told me but I did get over it. I have been talking to Christian and thinking about going and seeing my sister, I just have a feeling that something isn’t right.

It was a day that we were at work and we were taking a break from a case that we had been working on. “Christian, I want to go to Vegas for a couple days. It is close Lilly’s due date and I haven’t seen the family in almost nine months.” “Ok, we will go visit them in a few days. As soon as we get this case done, that sound ok to you?” “Yes baby that sounds good to me.”

After our conversation I walked over to the door and shut it. That way no one would bother us, and then I walked over to my husband and started kissing him. I would do this quite a bit at work, I also always wore skirts and no panties it would drive him crazy. While I was kissing him I started kissing down his cheeks and then onto his neck. When I got to his neck I started sucking on him and gave him a hicky, then I started grinding on him. I was making him really hard. “Lee Anna, if you know what is good for you, you will stop what you are doing.”  “Well I don’t think I know what is good for me anymore.” We were both talking in sexy voices. I was teasing him, and I knew what I was doing. I even got brave enough to play with his d*ck and I could feel that he was hard. When he was almost to the breaking point I jumped off of him and was like. “OMG, I have to go pee now.” Then I ran out the door to the restroom. I knew that I would be in trouble, but right then I didn’t care. I made it to the restroom before Christian could get out of his office chair. However, while I was peeing I heard him at the door. “Lee Anna you had better open this door right this minute. You are in so much trouble.” All I could do is laugh and he heard me to. “Are you laughing in there? Little girl you better not be laughing.” “Well Old Man what you going to do about it.” Calling him old man is a big no no. Yes he is older than me being 31, but I didn’t care. I like getting him riled up. I was standing in front of the mirror washing my hands and fixing my hair. When the next thing I know the door flew open.

As soon as the door opened Christian was standing in the door and he looked pissed off. In my littlest girl voice that I could muster, while sounding sexy I was like “hi baby, is something wrong?” Boy I heard it in his voice I really pissed him off because he was yelling. “IS THERE SOMETHNG WRONG? YES, LEE ANNA THERE IS SOMTING FUCKING WRONG, AND LET ME TELL YOU, YOU ARE SO GOING TO PAY.” I had a chill run down my back from the way he said that. Next thing I know he walks over to me and picks me up and throws me over his shoulder. I am hitting his back, as he is walking to the exit of the building. “Lee Anna, you had better quite hitting me, you are pissing me off even more.” “Well then put me down.” “No I won’t” next thing I hear is “Ashley, I am taking my wife home, she has gotten sick. Everyone can go home early todays. I will see you all tomorrow.” “I am not sick, don’t lie.” “Yes Mr. Owens, we will see you both tomorrow.” “Christian, put me down right this minute.” I am still hitting him but now I am hitting his ass. “Lee Anna, if I was you I would stop before I get you to the car.” “Oh, I’m so scared. You won’t do anything to me.” “That my dear is what you think.” I was laughing inside, because I want to see how far I could push him. We were still walking to the car, and as we are in a secluded part of the parking lot, I stopped hitting him, and decided to run my hands down his pants and started playing with his has. I scratched him and everything. I was teasing him, as I knew that, it would make him hard. “Lee you are in so much trouble.” I was just laughing inside, but as soon as he sat me down I was facing him and I could see that he was still mad. So I did what any normal wife would do, I reached down to his pants and started rubbing on his bulge. While I was doing this, I didn’t realize that he was taking off his tie. Next thing I know he has my hands tied together so I couldn’t move them. “Little Girl I would advise you to not touch me again.”

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