Big Mistake Chapter Nine

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            Hello, I know that this story is about Lilly and Lee Anna and they are the ones that is supposed to be telling you what is going on. But I think it is important that you all hear from me as well. Since this has to do with me as well. Let me start from the beginning. When I was six my mom and dad died, they were killed in a car accident. Lucas and Samantha adopted me, plus they were really good friend with my parents. Ten years after they adopted me, Samantha got pregnant with the twins. However, she had complications and died giving birth, but we knew that was a possibility since mom was told she couldn’t have kids. So dad was left on his own raising the twins and me. Since I was old enough to help out I did, then when Lilly was two months old we found out that she has a rear blood disease, and she may have cancer.  When she was two we found out she had cancer. Well I was old enough then to go to med school and I had good grades so that is what I did. When I finished Med School, I dad built me a lab and help me get everything I needed to research and find a way to help her. And I did. As she was older, I made sure to stay close to her. I have a small practice, but I concentrate on Lilly. As Lilly got older, we made sure to tell her that I was her adoptive brother, Lee Anna knew as well.

            As the twins got older Lee Anna started sneaking out of the house and partying. She was what we called the bad girl.  I of course lived in the apartment behind the big house, as I didn’t want to be far from Lilly. When the twins where sixteen, dad let them go out to a party. Both girls had dates, and everything. Well Lilly called me to come get her, because she didn’t like it there. I have tried my best to keep her happy, as I know that at any time I could lose her, well we all could. After that night, we both started getting closer, I know what you are thinking I am ten years older than her and everything, but nothing happened during that time. We would hang out, watch movies, read books; I would help her with her homework and everything. Sometimes she would go out with other guys and I encouraged her. Dad didn’t like it that she was growing up but it he didn’t stop it.

Then on her eighteenth birthday she got sick again. The cancer came back, and she couldn’t walk or move out of the bed. It lasted for months. So I was with her every step of the way. Dad bought us a house, so we didn’t have to go to the hospital for her treatments or anything like that. During that time, we found out that it was planned for us to marry one day, as she was the oldest daughter to Lucas and Samantha. At the time we didn’t pay any attention to it. I mean we had felling for each other, but nothing like that. However, the more we spent together the more we fell in love. We both knew it was going to happen, I mean it started when she was 16, we just didn’t pursue it.

So things were going good for us, after I got her back to herself, we stayed in the house that dad bought. He was ok with it, and besides she was eighteen already.  As she got better, I started leaving her alone while I went in and worked, at night I would come home and cook dinner, and we would watch a movie. Whenever we were not together we would call each other. Life was going good for us.  Before her twenty-first birthday we both decided that we wanted to get married. So one morning, on her good days, as she has good and bad days, we went to the court house and got married.  We didn’t tell anyone because of the fact that we didn’t want the family to know just yet.

Two weeks after we got married, Lee Anna found her no good boyfriend in bed with some chick, so she decided she wanted to go to Vegas and spend some time there. Lilly, being Lilly sated that she would go to. Of course Lilly didn’t tell me about it ahead of time; she had been having good days so she just took off. However, when she got there she called and told me where she was. I couldn’t leave right then, but the next morning I found her lying in bed with a wedding ring and wedding dress on. I woke her up and we got into a fight. However, I noticed that she didn’t look good, so I checked her and found out that she hadn’t taken her meds, and that she had been drinking. So I gave her some meds, a bath and some fluid, and then made her sleep.

The next morning, we went and found out what had happened two nights before, and come to find out she didn’t get married or anything. This was a relief to me, since we were married already. So the two guys that the twins meet and the three of us went out and celebrated. Over lunch I noticed that Lilly wasn’t looking good, and she wasn’t eating. So I asked her about it while everyone was eating. “I’m not hungry ok, just leave it,” was the response I got. Lee Anna had to pee, so Lilly went with her. When they got back, Lilly looked worse and then she started vomiting.  After she stopped I picked her up and we all left. We headed to the hotel; I took Lilly up to the suite, and left everyone else downstairs. I called my nurse that was on standby at the hotel and told her to get to our room STAT.

Once Nurse Robins was in our room, I had her help me undress Lilly.  I noticed she was running a temp again, and she was dehydrated. Robins helped me get her flat on the bed, and I hooked her up to some saline.  Then I decided that it was time to run some labs on her. So after taking several vials of blood, we went into the living room and I told Robins “take this down to the lab, I want the results STAT. I don’t care what they have to do, something is wrong with her and I want to know what.” “Yes, sir is there anything else I need to do?” “No, I am going to go lay with her for a while.”  Before Robins left Lee Anna came in. She told me that dad called, and that she was going out with that guy from today. When we were done talking I went into the bedroom with my wife. I had an idea of what was going on, but then again, I didn’t. I just hoped that it wasn’t from her cancer.

When I went back into the bedroom, Lilly was laying on her side, with a blanket wrapped around her. “I’m sorry Daniel, I didn’t mean to.” “Oh baby, there is nothing to be sorry about. It happens you know that. Come on, let me lay down with you and we can take a nap.” “OK, but I need to tell you, I knew I was sick this morning. I woke up sick, and in the shower I puked.” “I am glade that you are telling me this. You know I love you and don’t want to loose you. I took some blood and Robins is taking it to the lab. Until I get the results back you are not leaving this bed, unless it is to go to the bathroom. I may let you go in the living room, but I will carry you.” Lilly started crying and said “OK, but baby, what if it is the cancer. I don’t want to go through that again.” “I don’t think it is, but if it is, then we will figure it out. Right now you need to rest, and I think I want to as well. You had me scared, and dad is coming to Vegas.”  After that we both went to sleep. I just prayed I was right, and if I was then I would have to figure out what we were going to do.

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