Big Mistake Chapter Six

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            I was having such a good dream about Daniel and I finally getting married. It was a dream that I had been having for the past two years, every time we try to get married I get sick. It was right when we were saying “I do” when I felt someone tickling me. I heard them talking as well. I just didn’t want to get out of bed, I wasn’t feeling good, but I heard what was being said. “Little girl you have ten seconds to get your booty up and in the shower, or I will put you in there myself. I waited till he got to five, and I got up, as I knew he wasn’t playing. Plus I didn’t want him to notice that I was running a fever I wanted this over with.  However, I wanted to mess with him so I was like “So are you going to join me this morning?” “Not this morning darling, as much as I want to, I have already had my shower.”  I was glad that he wouldn’t because I had a feeling that I was going to be sick, and I was thank goodness that the water made it where he couldn’t hear me.

            After my shower I headed into the bedroom to get dressed, I didn’t see Daniel so I went to find him. He was in the living room with Lee Anna, both were ready to go. “So how are we going to do this today?” “Lee Anna called the guys room and asked them to meet us in the lobby, form there we will all go to the chapel and find out what happened.” “Ok, then what?” “Well we go from there.” “Fine lets go get this over with.”

            “We will but not before we eat breakfast.” “Fine what did you order?” “Eggs, bacon, coffee, and toast, with some orange juice as well.” “I want some toast and orange juice, I’m not that hungry.” Daniel let me eat just that and didn’t say anything; he knew my meds made me where I wasn’t hungry in the morning. After all three of us ate we headed to the lobby. We hall took the limo to the chapel and on the way Daniel and Lee Anna spoke with the two guys.  “Hello, I’m Daniel what are your names?” “Hi I’m Christian and this is Sam. It is nice to meet you all while not drunk. I am sorry that I have helped put us in this situation.” “That’s ok, lets hope it is not as bad as we think, as we need to get this straighten out as soon as possible.” “Yes I agree with you, but how is it that you fit in this picture, I mean Christian married Lilly, and you weren’t there that night. And if the two of them wanted to stay married then they should be able to.” Sam was cocky, I wanted to deck him but I didn’t have the strength and I knew Daniel would however, he didn’t.

            “I fit in here because Lillian is my sister, plus she is sick and I am not about to let no guy use her.” “Enough Daniel, I am fine right now, plus you are not just my brother and you know it. However, that is not the question, we are here to find out what happened the other night as I want to be able to go home and get married. Now if you two are going to argue then Sam and you will stay in the car and I will have Lee Anna go in with Christian and I.” I was getting weaker and weaker saying that but I didn’t let it show. “No, we will be have, I am sorry, now let’s go figure this out.”

            Everyone got out of the car before I did, which I was glade for, as I had Daniel standing outside waiting for me, I had to have his help to walk, but I didn’t say anything to him.  All five of us walked into the chapel, as the guy doing the marriages was busy we had to wait for a little while so we all sat on a pew and waited. Finally after an hour a short bald man came to the group. “Hello, my name is Ben, I see you four are from the other night, what can I help you with today?” “Good you recognize us, maybe you can help. We do not remember what all happened the other night, all I know is I woke up in a wedding dress with a wedding band on my hand.” I was the only one that spoke since it was about me and Christian.

            “Yes, I would be happy to tell you what happened. See you four came in here. You and that gentleman there (pointing to Christian) came in saying you wanted to get married. However the girl over there (pointing and Lee Anna) told me just to act like you two were being marred as you have a wedding in a few months or something. So I did as she said since she paid me so well.” “So what all did you do?” “Oh, I just gave you some fake vows and then told you all you were married, than you left.” “Well thank you for your time, and sorry to come back and find out what happened.” “It’s ok darling, if you ever do want to get married while in Vegas please come see me, I will give all of you a discount.” With that we all left the chapel and headed to the car.

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