Chapter 23

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"Mummy we never meet like this. The only other time we did was when Sherlock was shot on Christmas." Mycroft sat at the table picking at the raw pieces of potatoes.

"Don't touch that." Mrs. Holmes hit Mycroft's hands away. "Sherlock has a daughter I have not met and I am getting to know her."

"It's fine. I understand Mrs. Holmes." Gray smiled. Hugo stood next to her with his arm around her.

"Call her Grandma, and call me Granddad." Mr. Holmes came over and rubbed Gray's cheek. She flinched at the thought. "You alright?"

"Sorry, Mr. Holmes. Gray has some bad memories that have arrison the past week. Many had to do with touch." Hugo rubed Gray's arm.

"Who are you again?" Mr. Holmes walked over to Hugo.

"My name is Hugo, I am Gray's-" Hugo stopped. He looked at Sherlock.

~*~* Flashback~*~

"Mr. Holmes, sir, may I ask you a question." Hugo looked behind him at the sleeping Gray. She had fallen asleep on Mary's shoulder. Mary had fallen asleep on John's shoulder. They were driving in a cab the size of a van. Thanks to your truely, Mycroft.

"Sure." Sherlock looked at Hugo. They sat next to each other, with the other three behind them. Little Watson sat in between Sherlock and Hugo.

"I was wondering if I could ask you that question." Hugo rubbed his hands together. "Mr. Holmes, sir, I was wondering if I may date your daughter Gray." Hugo looked at Sherlock.

Sherlock sat back and looked out the window. It was quiet for a good five minutes.

"Sherlock, answer the boy." John whispered to not to wake the three sleeping.

"Yes." Sherlock said this quickly.

"Pardon?" Hugo was in awe. He really thought that Sherlock would say no.

"Yes, you may begin to date Gray. Announce it later tonight." Sherlock folded his arms and closed his eyes.

~*~*End of Flashback~*~

"I am Gray's boyfriend." Gray looked at Hugo in shock. Everyone in the room looked shock. Everyone except Sherlock, John, and Hugo himself.

"Oh, our little granddaughter, she already has a boyfriend. You turned seventeen two days ago right?" Gray's new Granddad smiled.

"Yeah." Gray smiled and nodded her head. "Hugo is my boyfriend." Gray said that more for her recognition. Hugo let out one of his smiles again and rubbed her arm.

"Dinner is served. Get Mary and John." Grandma listened to Mrs. Holmes. John and Mary walked in. They all sat at a dinner table and waited.

Gray sat next to Mary and Hugo. Hugo held one of Gray's hands under the table.

"I want to make a toast." Sherlock stood up. "To new beginnings. New family. New love." Hugo clenched onto Gray's hand. "And a happy time. Cheers." Everyone yelled cheers except Hugo and Gray.

They looked in confusion. "Did you not have toasts in the asylum?" Everyone looked at the two in confusion.

"We did, just Hugo and I wouldn't partake. We didn't believe in them." Gray said this. Hugo nodded his head.

"Usually when a toast would happen, something bad would occur later on. Usually either Grace or Psycho would come out." Hugo and Gray now put both hands on the table.

"Although, now that we can control some part of the two, it will probably not happen." Gray smiled. The grandparents looked confused.

"Grace and Psycho, are Gray's and Hugo's alter personalities." Mycroft said this like it was nothing.

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