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Grayson Meyers(Josh Hutcherson)
Leah Evans(cierra ramirez)
This is the 3rd and final book in the babies series!!!
I changed a name in this book after I had already written 6 chapters so if you see the name 'Ronan' anywhere please tell me so I can change it to Grayson!!
"Grayson can you please just get her" I begged from my spot on the side of the bed.

"She's fine" he mumbled into his pillow since he was laying on his stomach.

It was about two o'clock in the morning and Amelia was screaming her little head off.

"You don't have to get up in the morning" I complained.

This was almost an every early morning thing because neither one of us would want to get up to get the twins because we were both exhausted from school.

Grayson and I both lived with my parents because Grayson's  parents refused to let the twins come into their house because as his parents put it, they were 'bastard' children. The real reason was because they didn't like me.

When Grayson moved in my parents were very generous and gave us the entire second floor, they moved out of the master bedroom and into the basement. They gave Grayson and I their room and the twins were now in my old bedroom. My twin brother also lived on this floor and when my older brother is on break from college he stays in his old room on this floor.

"Fine" he sighed before getting up and stumbling out of the room.

Grayson was staying home with the kids because my mom had a doctors appointment and she couldn't watch them.

I laid there and waited for him to come back and when he finally did come back he had Amelia in his arms and she was whimpering while clutching her blankie in her arms.

I immediately sat up and she stretched her little arms out towards me so I took her out of his arms.

I just sat there and rocked her until she fell back asleep which took about twenty minutes.

Amelia is great at falling back asleep she's a lot quicker then her brother.

I looked down at her and her eyes were closed and her thumb was hanging out of her mouth. I leaned down and kissed her forehead before gently handing her back to Grayson.

I then laid back down and fell back asleep.
The next morning I woke up to two little bodies snuggling against my sides. I opened my eyes and glanced down to see Amelia and Bentley snuggled against me. They were looking at each other and giggling softly.

"Good morning babies" I said and their heads shot up to look at me.

"Mama" they said before climbing up my body and attacking me with kisses.

"Okay children lets get breakfast so mama can get dressed" I glanced over at Grayson leaning against the door frame.

I gave the kids one last kiss before they darted out of the room and down the stairs. I slid out of bed and walked over to Grayson. I leaned up and kissed him before pushing him out of the room so I could get dressed.

I quickly changed into a pair of dark jeans, my vans, and a t-shirt. I put minimal amount of makeup on and threw my hair up in a bun. I did a once over of myself before leaving the room and going down into the kitchen.

I walked into the kitchen and saw my dad cooking breakfast while my mom and Grayson helped the twins eat their cereal. The twins usually got a little bowl of cereal to hold them over while breakfast was getting cooked.

The Twins(Babies series #3)Where stories live. Discover now