10. Back at it

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Keiyan lonesdale as Marcus
2 weeks later
"Leah, Amelia is crying" I heard Lee say as he nudged me.

For the past two weeks I've been sleeping in Lees room because it hurts to much to sleep in my own bed.

I rolled over and let out a huff before sitting up. I rubbed the sleep from my eyes and looked at the clock, it read 2:30am.

I thought 2 year olds were supposed to sleep through the night.

I got up and kind of ran to the twins room so Amelia wouldn't wake up Bentley. Amelia was standing in her crib screaming and tears running down her little face. I looked over at Bentley and saw him still sleeping peacefully.

"Hey baby girl" I said softly as I picked her up out of her crib and walked out of the room. I walked downstairs while gently rocking Amelia but she wasn't calming down.

I sat down on the couch and laid Amelia against my chest while rubbing her back slowly.

"Shhh baby" I said before kissing the side of her head.

"Daddy" she cried and slowly let out a breathe.

Just like me the kids haven't seen Grayson since he left and this is the first time I've heard one of them ask for him.

I just continued to rub her back until her cries turned to sniffles and after about a half hour she was fast asleep in my arms.

I slowly got up and walked back to the twins room and gently laid Amelia back in her crib and right as I was about to leave the room Bentley called out for me.

I leaned my forehead against the door and took a deep breathe. It was going to be a long night.
I felt absolutely dead. Bentley kept my up until 5:30.

I just wanted to stay in bed but I had to go back to school today considering I had missed almost two full weeks of school and I couldn't missed anymore.

I decided I had to get up so I rolled out of bed and walked towards me room. I put on a pair of jeans and black shirt before putting on some makeup. I grabbed my bag and walked downstairs. Everyone was already downstairs eating breakfast.

"Breakfast?" My dad asked. I nodded.

"And an aspirin" I said as I grabbed my head.

"Long night?" My mom asked as she gave Amelia more yogurt.

"Amelia woke me up at 2:30 and was back asleep by 3 and then Bentley woke up at 3 and was up until 5:30" I said as I laid my head on the table.

"Ah this little face wouldn't dare do that" Lincoln said as he tickled Bentleys neck.

"Then you get up next time they decide to wake up in the middle of the night" I groaned. Everyone stopped talking to me after that.

"Here you go Leah" my dad said as he set a plate with waffles and eggs down in front of me and handed me two aspirins.

"Orange juice okay?" I nodded as my dad handed it to me.

I took the medicine and then started eating my breakfast.

I looked up when I felt eyes on me. Lee was staring at me and I raised an eyebrow at him.

"Are you nervous?" He asked and I shrugged.

"He's not gonna do anything and I can handle Kelly" Lee still looked concerned but dropped the conversation.

I finished up my breakfast and put my dishes in the sink before going and kissing Amelia and Bentley on the head.

"Lee lets go" I said as I grabbed my lunch off the counter.
When we got to school I turned off the car but did not make a move to get out. It shouldn't bother me to see him, I didn't do anything wrong.

Lee grabbed my hand and squeezed.

"It'll be okay, I'll be with you" I gave him a small smile before getting out and grabbing my bag from the backseat.

I started walking towards the school with Lee close behind me.

"L, you're back" Declan said as he ran over and hugged me. I haven't seen Declan in two weeks so it was good to see him.

We walked in the school together and headed towards my locker. Marcus was leaning against it when we got there.

"Hey Leah" he said and I smiled at him as he moved so I could open my Locker.

"Thank you for bringing my work to me these past two weeks" I said as I put my lunch and a couple books away.

"No problem" he replied.

"So how's Grayson?" I asked both Declan and Marcus.

They both looked at each other and I raised an eyebrow at them.

"What?" I asked and Declan looked down while Marcus looked at me.

"He was torn up the first week, he wouldn't talk to anybody he'd just go to class and sit there quietly. He told me he missed you and the kids all the time and would have your number open on his phone. Then he went to a party on Saturday and something changed and now he's hanging out with a lot of new people..." Marcus said.

"A lot of ...girl people" Declan chimed in.

"He has at least two girls around him at all times" I purses my lips to stop from crying.

He gave up on me so fast and it hurt.

"L, don't cry. He's a fuckboy you don't need him" Declan said and it made me laugh.

"I just don't understand how he can give up so fast, he has two kids and it seems he's already forgotten about them" I said angrily.

The warning bell rang so we quickly said goodbye to Marcus and took off to our first period.

As we were walking I saw Kelly and next to her was Grayson smiling and talking to another girl.

Kelly gave me an evil grin before wrapping her hand around Grayson's arm.

"Hey don't pay attention to her. She's just trying to make you mad" I nodded. Declan quickly pulled me into our first period room so I would stop looking at them.

"L, don't let her win. Show that you don't care even if it's tearing you apart inside. You'll just make it worse if you show how sad you actually are" I nodded before pulling my textbook out.

Kelly knew what she was doing, she knew it was pissing me off to see her all over Grayson.

"Leah, stop thinking about her. Focus on the wonderful world of geology" I pursed my lips, I absolutely hated geology.

I decided to actually pay attention to class today so I could keep my mind off of Grayson and Kelly and i actually learned something, who knew paying attention means learning something even if it was about stupid metamorphic rocks.

The bell rang to signal the end of first period and Declan and I walked out and started walking towards my locker so we could both put our geology books away like normal.

As we were walking my phone buzzed in my pocket so I took it out to see what it was and it was a picture my mom sent me of the twins in the bath. I opened the message and was about to look at it closer when I ran into a body.

I looked up from my phone and into the eyes of the person who has kept me up night these last two weeks.

"Leah" Grayson said.
Sorry it took a while but I absolutely love this chapter!!

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