19. The dance

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Let me just say I am sorry for the outrageously long wait!!
1 month later
"You're gonna be the prettiest girl there" my mom said as she curled the last few strands of my hair.

"Thanks mom and thank you for doing my hair for me" I said and she just have me a smile as she unplugged the curling iron.

She than walked out of my room to let me finish getting ready but just as I was about to open all my makeup up, Declan walked in.

"Hey L" he greeted as he laid down on my bed.

"Hey Declan" I said as I began putting on my makeup.

"Are you ready for tonight?" He asked and I just nodded.

I was a little nervous to see Grayson and Kelly, especially since Lee punched Grayson.

"I'm nervous " I said while biting on my lip.

Declan raised one of his eyebrows at me as if to ask 'why'.

"Don't give me that look, last time I talked to or even saw Grayson he told me he cheated on me and than Lee punched him and now I'm going to show up to prom with his best friend as my date" I said and Declan just started laughing.

"It's what he deserves L" he just shrugged before turning to walk out of my room.

"Oh and stop biting your lips, you don't want gross lips for your make out session with Marcus later" I just rolled my eyes as Declan left.

I started doing my makeup and after about 30 minutes I was finished and ready to put my dress on.

"Pretty mama" I heard a little voice say from the door way. I turned my head to see my little boy sticking his head in my room with the biggest grin on his face.

"Thank you baby" I said as I got up to grab him but before I reached him he took off down the hallway and into his room.

I just shook my head before walking over to my dress that was hanging on my closet. I unzipped the garment bag and just stared at it.

My nerves were rising and I started sweating. I had no reason to be nervous I had done nothing wrong, Grayson is at fault not me.

I was scared out of my thoughts by a hand on my shoulder. I turned to see Declan standing there with a smirk on his face.

He was all dressed in a nice suit with a purple tie, he looked really good.

I raised my eyebrow at him. He pulled out a miniature bottle of liquor and handed it to me.

"Here drink some of this, it'll calm you" he said.

I uncapped it and took a small sip before closing it and handing it back to him.

I started coughing because it burned my throat and Declan just started laughing so I gently punched him in the shoulder.

"Alright L, lets get this dress on you and go make Grayson an angry man" I rolled my eyes as Declan began taking the dress out of the bag.
After about 20 minutes of trying to get my dress and my shoes on I was finally all ready to go.

"You look beautiful" Declan proclaimed as he took a step back to see the whole look.

"Marcus is gonna fall over when he sees you"

"Stop Declan! Don't embarrass him" I said sternly. Declan just ignored me.

All of the sudden I heard the front door open and a high pitch squeal.

"Hi boyfrwend" Marcus was here.

"Your date has arrived" Declan said with a small laugh before he grabbed my hand and walked with me downstairs.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 25, 2020 ⏰

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