7. Fight

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Lincoln (Liam hemsworth)>>
"Mama" I heard Amelia's crying and screaming before I even walked into the house.

Lincoln was in charge of watching the twins today since my parents were getting ready to go on a vacation so they went shopping and finishing up errands before they left.

"I want mama" she cried as I walked through the front door and set my bag down before going to the living room.

Amelia was laying on the floor and was rolling around while Bentley was sitting on the couch watching tv.

I walked towards Amelia and as soon as she saw me, she was up and running towards me.

I bent down and picked her up, she put her face against my neck and calmed down almost instantly.

"Oh baby, what's wrong?" I asked and she must have been crying really hard because her cries turned into a mix of whimpers and hiccups.

"I miss you mama" she whimpered. Every now and then the twins just miss us for no reason.

"I missed you too" I whispered as I rocked her in my arms.

I felt someone come up behind me and touch Amelia's arm.

"Daddy" she whined while trying to get to him.

I turned around and handed her to him and she giggle when he kissed all over her face.

"Thanks for watching them" I told Lincoln as I walked over to Bentley and picked him up and kissed all over his face like Grayson had done to Amelia.

"They're so much fun, I wish I could take them to college with me" I held Bentley close to me and gave Lincoln a playful protective look.

"I'm kidding" he said as he walked up and gave me a side hug.

"So how was school?" Lincoln asked as I sat down with Bentley in my lap.

"It sucked" I told him and he gave me a curious look.

"Why?" He asked.

"Ask him" I said while giving a pointed look at Grayson.

He just rolled his eyes at me.

"Well if you told me what I did wrong, maybe I could fix it" he said angrily.

"Maybe sleeping on the couch for a few days or weeks will help you understand" I said and Lincoln let out a nervous breathe.

"Well It looks like you two have somethings to discuss so I'll just take the twins outside for a little while" he said while quickly gathering the twins out of our arms and rushing outside.

I ignored Grayson, neither of us spoke for about five minutes but I felt Grayson sit next to me.

"Listen, I'm sorry even though I'm not sure why I'm sorry" he said and I finally turned my head to look at him.

Looking at his sad puppy dog look made me break. He really didn't understand why I was mad and upset.

"No, i'm sorry. It's just I've watched all the girls fall all over you for years and Kelly just pushed me over the edge. She says things to me that get under my skin and I guess today when you didn't even say hi to me before lunch because you were to focused on her, it made me angry and upset and then of course you didn't understand, so when she sat at the table and I left I thought you would follow me but you never did and neither did Marcus or Declan. I feel like sometimes I'm losing you three to her and I hate it" I said as I leaned forward on my elbows that were set on my knees.

I was frustrated because I haven't had time to talk about this with him because I was always busy with the twins or my brother or keeping my grades up.

"I didn't realize what was going on. I didn't know how much the girls at school were affecting you" he said as he pulled me into his side. I laid my head on his shoulder.

"Why would you? You're a god In their eyes and I'm too plain for you and I don't deserve you. It's funny how we can be together for so fucking long and I still don't deserve you" I said as I let out a small angry laugh.

" I love you so much baby" he said as he turned and kissed my temple.

"We love you too" I jumped at the voices and turned around to see Marcus and Declan standing in the living room arch way looking sad and guilty.

I got up and ran into their arms creating a group hug.

"I love you guys" I said.

"Hey, what about me?" I heard Grayson say from behind me. I laughed a little and rolled my eyes before releasing Declan and Marcus and turning back around. I walked over to Grayson and kissed him.

"I love you too"

"Hey this was a good moment and you two just have to ruin it" Declan said and I couldn't help but laugh.
"Then where would coccyx be?" Declan asked as we stared at our Human Anatomy books.

"It would be right here, kind of beneath the sacrum" I pointed at the picture of the pelvic bone.

He finally nodded his head in understanding.

We were upstairs in my bedroom studying for a big exam coming up. It was nice and quiet without Marcus and Grayson bothering us and the kids were asleep so I didn't have to worry about them.

"You know, your bedroom is so cute. It doesn't look like the typical teenage bedroom" I rolled my eyes at his comment.

"Stop trying to get off topic, we need to study even if you don't want to" he gave me his puppy dog eyes and I just shook my head and reached over to turn his head back so he was looking at his book.

"Fine" he huffed out.

We continued to study until Grayson burst open the door and had a panicked look on his face.

"What's wrong?" I was immediately on high alert.

"Lincoln and Lee are going after each other" I was running down the stairs in no time.

I ran towards the living room where I found Lincoln and Lee on the ground attacking each other.

Lincoln was holding Lee down and Lee was trying to get up.

"STOP!" I screamed. Lincoln looked over at me and that gave Lee the advantage and all of the sudden Lincoln was on his back and Lee was on top of him.

I rushed over and tried to pull Lee off of Lincoln but I didn't have enough strength to do it.

"Please stop" I shouted as I continued to try and pull Lee off.

Finally Lincoln got enough strength to push Lee off of him and stand up but Lee wasn't done fighting because he stood up and went after Lincoln again.

I reached out and pushed my twin away but he grabbed my arm and threw me down. Luckily, Grayson and Declan had come downstairs and grabbed Lee by both his arms just before he could get to Lincoln again.

I got up and walked in front of Lee. His face was bright red and he was breathing heavy.

"Don't ever go after him again" I said as I stared at him.

"Tell him not to go through my stuff" he said angrily.

"I will not have childish fighting in this house when I have two kids to look out for, so when you two can act your age come talk to me" I said then stormed upstairs.
Sorry it's been a while I've been busy

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