12. Decisions

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I stared at Grayson waiting for him to speak.

"It's not that simple" Grayson said. I rolled my eyes.

"Are you fucking kidding me?!?" Lee yelled.

"You wouldn't understand Lee so back off" Grayson said and I could practically feel the anger radiating off of Lee.

"I wouldn't understand? Really? I've watched my sister go through so much pain these last two weeks while taking care of two toddlers, she's my twin what she feels I feel so don't tell me I don't understand" Lee growled.

"Can we do this without him or Declan?" Grayson asked and I raised an eyebrow.

"Nope" I said and I could see him clench his jaw.

"They're going to know anyways so why have me tell the story again when they can just witness it first hand" I said and he let out a breath.

"Fine! I want to be in the twins lives but I'm to young to settle on one person. These last two weeks opened my eyes to what I've been missing and maybe I'll come back to you one day but I want to explore my options. I'm sorry" before I could say anything Lee spoke up.

"You don't deserve her anymore. Don't come back to her and don't worry about seeing your children." Grayson rolled his eyes.

"Lee, you made me do this" Grayson said.

"I never said anything about you leaving Leah so don't put the blame on me" Lee said.

"You blamed me for Leah not being able to follow her dreams" Grayson said.

"Because he's right Gray, I'm not going to college because of you and I was fine with that. I was fine with letting you go to school and be what you wanted to be while I took care of the twins. After they were born I wanted to be a mom and only a Mom so my dreams changed, most people's do. But now because of you I'm going to be a single mother with no college education so now I won't make enough money to support my family..." I blinked back tears.

"So have fun exploring your options because I don't need you and the twins don't need you but I'm sure Kelly needs you so please go" I said and with that I turned and walked into the kitchen and outside.

The twins were chasing Lincoln around in the yard so I just sat down on the steps on the deck and watched.

After about fifteen minutes Lee and Declan joined me on the step. I leaned my head on Lees shoulder and grabbed Declan's hand. We didn't say anything we just watched Lincoln and the twins run around until Bentley noticed us and alerted Amelia.

They both ran over to us with Lincoln walking behind them. Bentley ran and about jumped into my lap while Amelia went to Declan.

"Hi mama" Bentley said and I smiled at him.

"Hi baby" I said before kissing his face and head. He just giggled and squirmed before laying his head against my chest.

"How'd it go?" Lincoln asked and I just looked at him and shook my head.

"He's not allowed back in this house" Lee said with a hint of anger in his tone.

All I needed was my babies, my brothers and parents and my Declan by my side and I would be alright.
I had just closed the door to the twins room after fighting with them for an hour to go to sleep when there was a knock on the front door.

I raised down the stairs and opened the door. Marcus was standing there holding flowers.

"Hey, what are you doing here?" I asked as I moved so he could come in.

"Declan told me about today, so I came to see if you were okay and these are for you" he said as he handed me the flowers.

"Thank you and I'm doing alright, I mean Grayson made his decision and there's nothing I can do about it" I said and turned to head towards the kitchen. Marcus followed me.

"Hey Marcus" Lincoln said as he saw us walk into the kitchen.

I went and grabbed a vase to put the flowers in.

"Hey Lincoln, thank you for watching the twins earlier" he shrugged.

"I'll take them to college if you'd like, like I said before" I rolled my eyes.

"Yeah I'm sure you could get so much work done with two toddlers running around" I said and he shrugged.

"Who needs to graduate college anyways" he said and I just laughed.

"So Marcus what's up?" Lincoln asked.

"Just came to see if Leah was alright after the whole Grayson thing" Marcus said and Lincoln gave him a weird look that even I didn't understand before turning to look at me.

"Yeah so I never actually got to here the whole story, what happened? Besides the fact that Grayson isn't allowed back in the house per Lees orders"

"He said he couldn't settle down and he wanted to explore his options and he might come back to me one day" I said.

"Yeah he's not allowed back into the house" Lincoln said before patting Marcus on the back and heading upstairs.

"I'm sorry about Grayson" Marcus said and I shrugged.

"It's not your fault" I said and he shrugged.

"Yeah but I still feel bad" Marcus was always caring.

"There is nothing you can do, so don't feel bad." I said and he smiled. Marcus came over and stood next to me as I was fluffing the flowers so they looked nice in the vase.

"How's life?" I asked as I turned to look at Marcus.

As I turned Marcus leaned in and kissed me. I quickly pushed him back and he looked down at the ground.

"I'm sorry" Marcus said nervously.

"Marcus...look at me" he slowly looked up.

"It's fine, the timing is a bad but it's okay. I promise" I said and then stepped closer to him and gave him a hug.

"I'm sorry" he said again and I let out a little laugh before squeezing him tighter.

"You need to gain a little confidence in yourself, mister" I said as I released him and then went and pushed the vase into the middle of the counter so the twins couldn't get to it.

"I'm honored to be kissed by you" I said with a smile and he let out a nervous laugh.

"Mama" I heard from upstairs.

"Give me one sec" I said to Marcus before racing upstairs to grab whichever kid it was.

I returned five minutes later carrying a grumpy Amelia.

"I want daddy" she kept saying as I walked into the kitchen where Marcus was sitting down, playing on his phone.

"Boyfrwend" Amelia said, her entire face lighting up.

"Girlfriend" Marcus replied before getting up from his seat and coming over to grab Amelia from me.

"Boyfrwend" she said softly as she laid her head on his shoulder.

I let out a breathe because Marcus was distracting her from wanting Grayson.

It was going to take a while to get used to not having Grayson around and having the kids constantly ask for him, which I knew was going to happen.

Who knew at 17 I would have two kids and no father for them!
I'm so sorry this took forever!! College has been kicking my butt and technically I'm supposed to be doing homework right now but it's okay!

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