14. Fight it out

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The car ride home was very tense.

I wasn't talking, Amelia was crying and asking for Grayson, Lincoln wasn't talking either he was very focused on the road and Bentley was sleeping.

I had texted Declan and Marcus to let them know that Kelly and Grayson were coming to my house.

When we got to the house I grabbed Bentley and Lincoln grabbed Amelia and we took them inside.

Lee was sitting on the couch we came in.

"What's wrong with her?" Lee asked, referring to Amelia since she was still crying.

"Grayson" I said and Lee immediately stood up.

"Why? What'd he do?" Lee asked.

"Nothing but he is going to be here in like ten minutes with Kelly" I told him and Lee's face hardened.

"Why?" He asked.

"Kelly wants to tell me how to parent so she's coming over to talk about it" I said.

"I'm gonna go put these two upstairs before they get here" I started walking upstairs with Lincoln behind me.

I laid Bentley down and covered him up before taking Amelia from Lincoln.

"Mama, Daddy" she cried.

"Shh baby, it's okay" I said softly while rocking her.

Her cries turned to whimpers as I slowly rocked her and rubbed her back.

"I'm sorry baby" I whispered mostly to myself.

After about ten minutes I felt Amelia's breathing even out and her body go limp. I went and put her in her bed before closing the door and walking back downstairs.

I walked into the living room and stopped when I saw Grayson and Kelly sitting on the couch with Lee sitting across from them.

"Lee why don't you go upstairs" I said as I sat down next to him.

"Fuck no" he said and I put my hand on his shoulder.

"Please" I said and he looked at Grayson and Kelly before looking back at me. He gave me a slight nod before getting up and heading up the stairs.

As soon as lee was upstairs I spoke up.

"You need to understand that not everything will go back to the way it was, I will not let you just take one kid because you want too. You lost that right the minute you decided you wanted to 'explore your options'" I said and Grayson looked angry.

"I'm still their father which is something you keep forgetting" Grayson stated and I rolled my eyes.

"I don't forget and I would never say that you are not their father but I don't want them around you right now" I said.

"That's not fair" Kelly spoke up and I gave her a disgusted look.

"This is none of your business so I would suggest you keep your opinions to yourself" I said.

"Don't attack her" Grayson said sternly.

"Last time I checked you are in my house and she doesn't have to be here but I'm letting her be so I would suggest that you keep her quiet or you both can leave" I said my anger rising.

"Fine we'll leave" Kelly said as she stood up but Grayson didn't move.

"Maybe you can wait outside" Grayson suggested. Kelly scoffed before storming out.

We sat in silence for a few minutes before Grayson spoke up.

"Listen, we really haven't talked about anything without having other people around us so let's talk. I don't care how long it takes we just need to make decisions for the kids" he stated and I nodded.

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