13.Meet Up

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2 week's later
"I want daddy" Amelia kept yelling throughout the house.

"Baby, daddy's not here right now" I said softly.

She had been marching around the house yelling for Grayson for about a half hour.

"Daddy!" She yelled.

"Amelia enough" I told her but she just kept on going.

"No, daddy" she said while giving me a pouty face.

Lincoln was upstairs giving Bentley a bath since Bentley thought it would be okay to draw all over himself with marker.

"Amelia Renee, enough" I said sternly.

She looked at me and lowered her eyebrows at me giving me the meanest look a toddler could possibly give.

"Daddy!" She grumbled.

"Young lady, you'll go to time out if you do not stop" I said.

We had introduced time-out a couple months ago but it never really stuck but The twins attitudes were changing everyday so for the past few weeks I have started using timeout again, especially with Amelia.

Amelia was most definitely in her terrible twos. She tested me everyday and was still trying to figure out how far she could get with her behavior.

Bentley was still my sweet little man. He was rarely in timeout but sometimes his attitude shined through and he would end up sitting in the corner.

Amelia looked at me before opening her mouth and screamed for daddy in the highest pitch possible. It was so loud I thought the windows might shatter.

"That's it..." I said as I stood up from the couch.

Amelia's eyes quickly changed since she knew she had surpassed her limit on how far she could push me.

"Go to timeout" I said and she slowly walked over to the corner right before she was about to the reach the corner she turned around and gave me her best puppy dog face but I wasn't cracking.

"Now" I said and and she lowered her head and turned and went to the corner.

As I set Amelia's timer I heard little feet coming down the stairs and before I knew it a naked little boy was in my lap.

"Look mama clean" Bentley proudly announced.

"Bentley you need clothes" I heard Lincoln say as he came down the stairs caring Bentley's clothes in his hands.

"Here, I got it" I said as I grabbed the clothes from his hands.

I gently put on his T-shirt and then his underwear followed by his jeans. Right as I finished putting on his socks Amelia's timer went off.

"Amelia you're done in timeout" Amelia quickly got up and ran over to me.

"Sorry for being bad mama" I leaned down and kissed the top of her head.

"Thank you baby" I said.

One of the rules of time out was that they had to apologize for their behavior. They didn't need to tell me why they were in time out or anything like that because I couldn't expect that much from a two year old but they had to at least acknowledge that they were in the wrong.

It was Sunday so I decided today was a good day to take the twins out and we were going to the mall. Lincoln was tagging along to help me with the twins.

"Lincoln are you about ready?" I asked.

"Yep" he said as he walked into the living room with a bottle of water in hand.

I grabbed the kids shoes and quickly put them on the twins before putting my own shoes on. I grabbed my purse and herded the kids out the door and into Lincoln's car.
The mall wasn't extremely busy but there still was a fair amount of people so I was trying to be extra vigilant of the kids since they were refusing to hold my hands.

I decided to let the kids play on the little play ground that was in the mall so I could sit down for a few minutes. Lincoln decided to go play with the kids so I was just texting Declan and Marcus.

"Oh hey Leah" I looked up from my phone to see Kelly and Grayson standing there looking at me.

"Kelly" I responded.

Kelly opened her mouth to say something but before she could a squeal of excitement came from the playground followed by an excited 'daddy'.

Next thing I knew Amelia was running full speed at Grayson.

"Hi baby girl" Grayson said as he bent to down to pull her into her arms so he could pick her up.

She immediately snuggled into his arms.

"Coming home?" She asked and my heart broke a tiny bit.

Amelia was very confused on why she didn't see Grayson everyday. That's not an easy thing to explain to a toddler.

"Not right now baby" I could see her eyes tear up before the tears escaped and started falling down her cheeks. Grayson quickly started to wipe them away.

I felt someone standing next to me so I looked to see it was Lincoln who was holding Bentley's hand.

Bentley was looking at Grayson but wasn't making any move to go see him.

"Hey buddy" Grayson said to Bentley but Bentley just kept looking at him. I raised an eyebrow at the way Bentley was acting.

Bentley finally looked away from Grayson and walked over and climbed into my lap.

"Did you seriously turn my own son against me?" Grayson asked. I gave him a confused face.

"First of all, I couldn't change a two years old mind even if I tried and second of all, fuck you for thinking I would do something like that. That would be a very selfish thing to do" I said and I could see Kelly rolling her eyes.

"Do you have something to say?" I asked her and she rolled her eyes again.

"I just think it's funny that you would use such strong language in front of your impressionable children, I mean they absorb everything, right?" I let out a breathe.

"You do not get to judge my parenting because you are not a parent. You took a parent away from two children but you are not a parent." I said angrily and Lincoln quickly intervened.

"Guys, not right now. How about you two come over to our house and we can talk there?" Lincoln suggested.

"Yes, we'll do that" Grayson piped in. Kelly just shrugged in agreement.

"Okay" Lincoln said.

I stood up and put Bentley on my hip.

"Lincoln can you grab Amelia" Grayson looked appalled.

"What? I can't take my daughter with me?" He asked and I shook my head.

"Nope, Lincoln grab her for me" Lincoln walked over and grabbed Amelia from Grayson's arms.

"You truly are a bitch" Kelly said.

Lincoln quickly turned me and made me start walking.

I guess Kelly really didn't care about her niceness act in front of Grayson anymore.
I'm so sorry once again for the long pause in between chapters!

Happy thanksgiving everyone even if it's a little early!!

Also I can't remember if I had said Amelia's middle name of not already if I did please let me know so I can change it!!

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