3. Scaring Kelly

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Lee( I have no idea who he is but he fits the character of Lee)>>
The next day we were back to our regular routine. Grayson and I were both going to school while my mom watched the twins.

We walked into the school hand in hand. All the girls glanced at us since they all hated me but they all loved Grayson.That's actually why they hated me because they all wanted Grayson.

All of the sudden I heard a gasp among everyone. I knew what they were gasping about. I turned around and looked at Lee.

He really didn't care that everyone was looking at him. He hadn't been to school in two months and everyone knew what kind of trouble he gets into outside of school.

I was about to say something to him but before I could his druggie friends walked up to him and pulled him away from us. I pursed my lips to the side as I watched them walk away.

"Hey, he's fine" Grayson said obviously noticing me worrying about him.

"No he's not but there's nothing I can do" I said and Grayson gave me a sad smile before he kissed my temple.

"Hey Leah" I looked over when I heard a females voice, it was the new girl Kelly.

"Hi Kelly" she smiled before looking at Grayson.

"Do you go here?" She asked and Grayson nodded.

"I thought you were graduated or something" Kelly said and I swore I saw something change in her eyes.

"Nope but I'm almost there" Grayson said and I gave him a sad smile. Next year I wouldn't be able to spend my whole day with him and I wouldn't be able to flaunt him around school like he knew I loved doing.

The warning bell rang so we said our goodbyes to Kelly and separated so we could go to our lockers.

Declan slid up next to my locker so we could walk to class together.

"Hey L" I gave him a smile before slamming my locker.

"Ready for another fun day?" I asked sarcastically.

"Of course who wouldn't be, I mean it is school after all" I let out a laugh before I grabbed his hand and dragged him to class.
Lunch, my favorite time of the day besides Cooking class since I have it with Grayson

I walked to my locker to put my bag and books away and when I got there I saw Grayson already waiting for me it brought a smile to my face but that smile instantly fell when I saw Kelly standing there touching his arm.

Kelly made me uneasy especially today since I had her in my third period class and she just kept talking about Grayson and how nice he was and how attractive he was.

"Hey baby" Grayson said when he saw me.

"Hi" I said before giving him a quick kiss.

"Hi Leah" I just gave her a slight nod before opening up my locker and shoving my things in and then grabbing my lunch that Amelia had helped me pack.

"Here" I said to Grayson while handing him a brown paper bag.

"What's this?" He asked.

The Twins(Babies series #3)Where stories live. Discover now