17. The truth pt.2

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"Excuse me" the attitude clear in my voice.

He looked down at his hands.

"No, you don't get to look all innocent now" I said and he looked up at me.

"When?" I asked because he wasn't talking.

"Last year"

I was actually shocked by that response. When he said he cheated I thought he meant like a couple months ago and then felt bad about it so he broke up with me.

"Why?" I asked trying to make sure I didn't have any signs of hurt in my voice.

"You were being a bitch, it was an accidental thing" he said with a slight shrug.

"I was being a bitch? Really that's your excuse? Are you fucking kidding me?" The anger I felt was too much so I quickly got out of the car and headed towards a couple boulders that were in the middle of the woods.

I heard his door open and then slam close.

"I'm sorry Leah, it was an accident! I was having a bad night" I quickly whipped around making him stop in his tracks.

"I have a lot of bad nights too Grayson! Everyone has bad nights but not everybody goes and sleeps with someone else because of it!" I yelled.

"Why was I being a bitch?" I asked as calmly as I could.

"You were being mean to me because the twins were sick and you just kept lashing out every time I tried to help so I got mad and stormed out and I didn't come home that night" he said and I looked at him. I knew what night he was talking about.

"Oh I'm sorry that I was being a bitch! I was dealing with two one year olds that both had double ear infections and hadn't slept in two days because of it!" I said angrily

"I'm their father I was trying to help but you wouldn't let me..." I cut him off.

"So the obvious solution is to go sleep with someone" I said with a sarcastic laugh.

"It was wrong, I understand that" he said.

I turned and went and sat on the boulders. I need to calm down for a minute.

After a few minutes I turned around to look at him. He was still standing in the same spot.

"Who did you cheat with?" I asked calmly. Tears building in my eyes.

"Kelly's sister" he said looking down.

"That's why she was interested in me the first day she came to school. She didn't know I had a family and was surprised to see my kids. Kelly doesn't like me but she wants to see you suffer for some unknown reason" he said.

"If she wanted to see me suffer she should have just told me that you had cheated on me" I said while blinking back tears.

"She wants to see you suffer for a long time not just a day or a week. She wants to flaunt me around in front of you to make you miserable" he said still looking down.

"How do I know you're not lying?" I asked and he looked up.

The look on his face broke my heart. His eyes were red and had tears in them and he looked so broken.

"I love you so much why would I lie?" He said his voice cracking at the end.

I couldn't break though I had to find out more.

"So all that stuff about holding me back? Was that all to get out of being with me?" I asked and he blinked a few times trying to compose himself.

"That was just a good out. I was just going to say we needed a break for a little bit but then Lee started talking about how I ruined your life even though I know I didn't and I decided I could run with that" he said and I saw a tear drip down his face.

"I love you so much Leah, you have to believe me. I never wanted anything like this to happen and when I saw you and Marcus today I couldn't take it anymore, I had to tell you." He said before walking closer to me.

"Wait..." I said scooting back a little.

"Is this all because of me and Marcus?" I asked.

"I mean yeah" my sadness seemed to evaporate.

"How long would you have gone on if you didn't see me and Marcus?" I asked. He looked at me in confusion.

"I don't know" he said.

"I see now! This was never about you feeling guilty about cheating on me or dating Kelly. This was about making sure I didn't date Marcus" I said angrily while standing up from the rock.

"He's my best friend Leah! I can't let that happen" he said.

"You don't get to control who I date or who I talk to! This is not a 'if I can't have you no one will' situation! I will date who I want when I want and you have no say in the matter" I said before storming back to the car.

I quickly got in and buckled up and waited for Grayson to get back in the car.

"You're not going to date Marcus" Grayson said as soon as he was back in the car.

"You have no say in this matter" I stated while staring out the window

"Why does it have to be him? Like of all guys? My best friend?"

"Just take me back to school" I said still just staring out the window.

I could feel Grayson staring at me but I refused to say anything else.

Half way back to the school I started thinking and tears started running down my face.

"Was anything you told me true?" I asked quietly.

"I cheated but that's all that was true" more tears started falling and as soon as we got to the school I hopped out. Before I closed the door I had one last thing to say.

"You're a good actor... for a second, I actually thought you cared" and with that I slammed the car door and raced over to my car.

School had let out about a half hour ago so there wasn't many cars in the parking lot.

I started my car but couldn't seem to make myself drive away.

I knew I was in no condition to drive. My vision was blurry from crying and my body was physically exhausted from the emotional hours I had just put it through.

I jumped when there was a knock at my window I turned my head to see Lee standing there with a sad look on his face even though I knew all he was feeling was anger because of Grayson.

I opened the door and got out. I quickly engulfed Lee in a hug and cried into his chest. He just wrapped his arms around me and held me close.

"Shhh.... Leah it's okay" he whispered and after a little while I finally started to calm down.

I pulled out of the hug and wiped my face.

"Why are you still here?" I asked, considering school was over.

"You drove me here! I'm riding the bus or walking home" he said with a laugh before telling me to get in the passenger seat.

I did while he got in the drivers seat. He backed out of the spot and started driving.

As he pulled out of the school parking lot he grabbed my hand tightly, he was silently telling me it was going to be okay and that's exactly what I needed.
Hey it didn't take me over a month to update again!!

I hope you enjoyed this chapter and I hope you hate Grayson as much as I do!

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