Chapter 5

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(If you would like to direct message me
about your ideas,please do I will probably use them, because I'm sooooo creative XDXD)

"I shouldn't have yelled I'm sorry" Natsu said gently. But he didn't leave my room afterwards...

***9:00 am***

I woke up with a massive yawn, I tried to move my arms but they wouldn't budge. I started to freak out when I looked around the room. I freaked out even more when I saw... NATSU DRAGNEEL, IN MY BED... WITH HIS ARMS AROUND ME...

"Natsu what the actual fuck get out of my bed now" I screamed at him. "Wha?" He said loudly falling of the bed dragging the covers with him. He began to get up, wobbling on his feet. "Get out now" I said still in shock. "O-okay" he said running out of the room only in his boxers, making me blush a bright Crimson. 

I shook my head vigorously, why me, why couldn't someone else babysit him. It's not fair. Ugh. I decided to get of the coverless bed, I went to my walk on wardrobe and got out a cute dress, the dress was pink and only went up to my knee. I picked out some white pumps and slid them on. I went into the cold bathroom brushed my teeth, and put my hair into a side pony tail with a pink bow. I went back into the bed room and done my make up. I look okay, not great but acceptable.

I walk down the stairs to the kitchen. "Hello princess" said Virgo sweetly. "I made you some toast with Nutella!" She said placing the food on the long table. I sat down and started eating happily, another plate with toast was placed opposite me. "Thanks Virgo!" Natsu said pleased, "oh it's you" he said sitting. "Well good morning to you too" I said sarcastically. He was wearing black shorts and a white tank top with a flame on the boob pocket, with black vans.we both ate in silence. "Just to let you know I am having a party hear tonight at 8" Natsu said moodily, "I never said you could host a party here, there is not enough time! I do not approve of it" I say sternly. " to late, I've already invited everyone, and got food and the drinks, alcohol and some non-alcohol , don't worry!" He said calmly. " do the maids and butlers know and what about Wendy?" I asked while crossing my arms. "Yes they know and Wendy is at her friends all day today they went to town, and she's sleeping there so it's fine." "No Natsu" I said shaking my head, "don't be a party pooper Lucy!" He said and started calling me names. "Fine!" I said annoyed " you can have your dumb party!" I said giving up. "Yay thanks luigi" he said with a big smile, "for god sake it's Lucy" annoyed I got up with an empty plate. I put the plate in the kitchen sink. I walk into the living room, were the maids and butlers where getting the house ready for the party.

I started wondering around the house, not caring about what Natsu was doing, forgetting that I'm babysitting him. I walk around a corner having no idea where I am.. Oh no... I'm lost, crap! I slide down the wall going on my phone. I go on Instagram looking at the group chat with my friends.


Gray- hey!

Levy- hello, Gajeel says hey too!

Erza - hello!

Juvia - hi!

Me - hi who's going to the party.

*buzz buzz buzz buzz* my phone started buzzing vigorously.

Gray - me

Erza - me 2

Juvia - me 3

Levy- me 4 and Gajeel 5

Me - okay, okay good 😂😂

I then left the convocation and put it on mute. I got up and continued to walk around, I am still lost in this big ass house.ugh.

***10 mins later***

I'm still lost in the house, I decided to find a seat to sit down on. I walk into a small room to find a desk and a chair. I sat down wondering what to do know. I placed my arms folded on the table then rested my head on my folded arms. I heard some movement, probably maids.

"Hey" I heard a masculine voice say. I look up to see a pink hair and orange. "Hey Loki" I say sweetly, "Natsu" I say bitterly. "Why are you in my work room" Natsu spat at me. "Nothing I just got lost" a blush reached my cheeks. "Loki go and get ready for the party" Natsu says facing the organge haired boy. " Kay dude" he said "bye beautiful" he said looking at me making me blush a pink.

"Come with me, I want to show you something" Natsu said looking at me. " o-okay" I say unsure about the situation. We walked out of the room in silence walking down all the stairs no words coming out of our mouths. We pasted a lot of butlers and maids each one saying hellos to us. We Finally reached a door in a mysterious hallway, the door had vines leaking out of it not letting it close properly... "Cover your eyes" he said with a beautiful smile. I closed my eyes gently. I heard a squeak and someone grab both off my shoulders pushing me forwards. I felt a cold breeze on my face an arm wrapped  around my wait, "open" he whispered. I opened my eyes the sun blinding me, I put my hand facing the sun, blocking it so i could see everything. It was beautiful, flowers and trees where scattered everywhere, there was a brick foot path taking you around the garden. "You like it?" I looked to my left there stood Natsu with one arm around my waist. " I love it" I say excitedly hugging him, he hugs back tighter. " I thought you would like to read your books out here" he said resting his head on mine. I nodded making his head move too. It felt right to be in his arms.... WAIT WHAT AM I DOING... I let go of the hug and took a few steps back. He looked a me worried, "I'm sorry!" I say quickly. I shouldn't have hugged him, he's gonna think I'm a freak. "It's okay, it was only a friendly hug" he said laughing. I smiled.

" Natsu can we be friends?" Oh god I'm probably gonna regret this... We sat on a swing that was made from a plank a wood, ropes that was tied to a tree branch.

"Sure!" Sure he said smirking. 10 seconds later he pushed me off the swing and ran. "Natsu I'm gonna kill you" I said as I start to chase him. We both ran around in the flowers, laughing. He kept hiding behind the trees but I would find him every time.we both flopped down in the middle of the flowers patch, under a willow tree, we were so tired.

We laughed so hard.


I hope you all have a good day and please share, vote and comment 💕


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