*Bonus Chapter* (1) Xavier's POV 1920's

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A while back I had asked what chapter to write in Xavier's POV. Someone requested having chapter one (the one where Lucy had first met Xavier) in his POV. Here it is! =)

If anyone has anymore requests about a chapter for Xavier's POV, let me know. I might end up writing one =) 

(Xavier’s POV) 1920


I swallowed hard as a group of people walked by me, their scent filling my nose. My throat burned, causing my fangs to extend again. I knew I should not have waited so long for a drink. When was the last time I had some blood? What was her name? Betty? Beth? Barbara? I think she was blonde. No, she was a brunette woman. Yes, and she smelled of cigarettes. I shook my head, repulsed by the memory of her smoking those nasty things in bed.

I put on my hat and proceeded towards the local club in order to find a meal. It was easy in this town to find something to drink. The women here were floozies; cheating whores left and right. They disgust me. I hated the ones that would toss their hair my way with an alluring batter of the lashes. It was ridiculous. When they lost interest in one man, they’d just flaunt their body at another. Disgusting.

The puff of cigarette smoke hit in the face the moment I entered the club. My eyes landed on a skinny blonde with a cigarette between her two bony fingers. She smiled at me with her bright red lips, almost gesturing for me to take a seat. Women were attracted to the dark and mysterious men, especially if they looked wealthy. I wore an expensive suit that was tailored to fit me perfectly. The outfit drew women in because it symbolized wealth and importance. It was exactly what I wanted women to think. They thought I was important. No one would ever think of me as dangerous. If only they knew.

I sat at the bar, placing my hat on the counter in front of me. “Whiskey with ice,” I told the bartender.

He turned to me, grinning wildly. “Xavier! Third time this week, eh?”

I rolled my eyes. “What can I say? This placing is roaring. My whiskey…?”

He slid the glass over to me and I quickly downed it. It helped with the hunger. “What happened to Betsy? You two looked rather cozy in the corner booth last week.”

Oh, that’s right, Betsy. I knew it started with a B. She was the one that was engaged, I believe. It only took her three hours before she came back to my place. It only took me one hour before I was bored and buried her in her fiancé’s yard with her ring sitting on his porch. “Not my type,” I responded as he poured me another glass.

“Not your type?” he scoffed. “She had the body of a goddess.”

“She had the body of a stick.”

He handed a glass to the person next to me before turning back. “Most men like that look. Nowadays women go through extremes to achieve it.”

“They look ridiculous. I like my women curvy and feminine, not boyish.”

He chuckled. “You’re a strange man, Xavier. Third or fourth woman you’ve left with that you have complained about. What about that woman with the blonde curls?”

It took me several seconds to remember who he was talking about. “She flirted with everyone. I’m fairly certain that she was married, anyway.”

“What about the blonde with those large red lips?”

“She yapped all night. She wouldn’t listen to a word I said and was painfully rude.” She didn’t even listen when I had said she was about to die.

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