(7) Past

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Warning: Mature content including language, sexuality and gore. 

(7) Past: 1937

The bed squeaking was becoming annoying, although I was getting too occupied with Xavier’s touch to make any complaint. Our kissing became so rough that I knew our lips would swell. His hand gripped onto my waist so hard that it would bruise, and he continued to pull me impossibly closer.

His tongue traced from my navel to my lips and he was gasping as if he were in need of air. As things began to finish, I was left with a pleasant blissful feeling that only lasted until the disgust had hit me—as it always did afterwards. He was laying on top of me still, with his head on my shoulder, a hand on my chest, and lips on my neck as if he’s ready for more. I knew he was currently in his happy zone and didn’t exactly want to bother him until he fell asleep for the day.

I stroked his hair as I stared at the ceiling, my thoughts a foggy haze still.

“You are a magnificent creature, Lucy,” Xavier murmured. “That’s why I love you.”

My body tensed slightly at his words. Never had he said he loved me. I mean, he mentioned it indirectly before or would show it in moments like minutes ago.

“Mmm, do you feel the same?” he wondered hazily as if he were talking in his sleep.

Say yes and he won’t be angry, I thought. But instead I didn’t speak.

He raised his head up from my shoulder, inches from my face. “Do you feel the same?” he repeated.

“I’m not sure,” I stated, although I was almost positive that I didn’t.

He obviously wasn’t happy by my answer and looked as if he were about to leave. I, unfortunately, hated the thought of him being so hurt by that. After being together nearly seventeen years, I had begun to feel what he felt. I knew what angered him, turned him on, and most importantly hurt him.

“Xavier, wait.” I got out of bed, letting the sheets drop behind me. “Please, don’t be angry,” I begged, pressing my lips to his bare shoulder.


I smiled a fake smile that I had mastered over the years. “I’m about to take a bath…?”

He smiled, too. I got to my tip toes and pressed my lips to his, faking a look of excitement as we stumbled our way to the bathroom.

We were lying on the bed with damp hair and tangled sheets. I woke up and knew that this had to be the moment. I pulled away from him and replaced where I had been lying at with a pillow. He immediately grasped it, his lips brushing the pillowcase gently. I crawled onto the floor and popped open one of the boards. I gathered the cash, which I had managed to hide from Xavier, into the bag and then headed to the dresser to put on a dress.

When I had gathered everything, I snuck out of the house and ran quickly down the street. My rescuer sat by a car he had managed to steal.

“Axel!” I cried, wrapping my arms around him and hugging him tightly.

When I pulled away I noticed him wrinkling his nose. “You smell of him,” he explained.

My lips pursed. “Do you think he’ll follow the smell?”

“No, that’s most likely faded by now. You don’t have to worry, Lucy.”

I smiled as I clung onto the blonde vampire that was saving me from my creator. Ironically, it was Xavier that had introduced me to Axel because they were great friends. Never did I think this would ever happen. Axel saw the fear and hopelessness in my eyes when we first met. After a while we all met up again, and that’s when letters began to be exchanged between us. Axel was eager to save me from his insane friend, and I was willing to be saved.

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