(21) Past

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Hey guys! 

This is the final 'Past' chapter! (I had to write one more because the ending of this chapter I wanted to add into the story) 

I hope you like it and I plan to write Present chapters from now on. 

Warning: Sexual content/References are in this chapter. 

(21) Past: 1921

What have I done? I was disgusted by my actions the night before last! How could I give away the one thing that I had that was mine? I slept with Xavier. But what if I never slept him again? Would that make things right again? I sat on the edge of my bed, trying to pretend I was still asleep in my room. He’d be in here anytime now, checking on me and maybe making me hunt. What if he wanted me again? How could I refuse him?

Questions continued pouring into my head, causing me to scowl. Yes, I had given in to save my life. He was going to stake me through the heart, and so I made him an offer. Yet the guilt was overwhelming! Maybe it was that horrible thought that continued going through my head: I could have offered something else. I could have offered to hunt with him! I could have kissed him and let that be the end of our fight! I scowled again, suddenly feeling as if I was naked in front of a spotlight.

We were going to be stuck together, and I brought our horrible relationship to a different level. I heard footsteps in the hall and quickly pulled on a coat to cover me better—even though I was wearing a long dress already.

The door opened and Xavier peeked in the room. “Are you thirsty?” he asked, his voice almost huskier than I remembered. But that was most likely because my thoughts were drifting.

“N-No, I’m fine. I think I’m going to read…” My eyes went to his form fitting white dress shirt, picturing the way his muscles were subtly curved near his hips. That random thought surprised me in an unpleasant way. How could I think that?

“Read?” he scoffed. “You read too much. Find something less predictable, Lucy.” He left to start a fire.

What was less predictable? Really, there wasn’t much to do. Shopping was really the only fun thing to do, but shops were never open at night. I was dreadful when it came to drawing, and needlework seemed silly for a creature of the night, like me. I went into the living room and walked past Xavier and towards the piano forte. Playing the piano forte was something I was taught as a child and only did it when forced. However, there was nothing to do other than avoid Xavier at all costs.

My fingers glided across the keys before starting a song that was on the paper before me. The keys were dusty from lack of use, and the notes sounded off as I played. Yet Xavier sat down his book and stared at me in the corner of his eye. When I saw that he was interested in my playing, I began playing slower, making the song last longer. He got up from the chair and sat next to me on the bench, his eyes moving along with my fingers.

“You never told me that you played,” he murmured.

“You never asked,” I retorted softly and finished the song in an awkward way.

We sat there and stared at each other as if say something interesting. Nothing came to mind. That’s when my feelings began to form as I remembered how soft his hair was. I thought of how his lips seemed to be like a magnet to my neck the other night, or how hard his hand had gripped my waist. I was lost in that memory for several minutes as his hand crept towards my knee; he was thinking the same thing.

Maybe it was the fact that being with him has been a prison of nothing but him arguing with me and being completely controlled was the reason that the other night was a change for me. The other night was when I was mostly in control, and we weren’t fighting. After it was all over, I did like it, but hated to admit it. I do find him attractive. I am attracted to him much more than I like. And right now, I wanted nothing more than to feel his lips on mine. Don’t do it, Lucy, you’ll regret it, I thought as his hand rested on my thigh. I felt myself melting at his touch.

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