(19) Past

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 (19) Past: 1936

Keeping as quiet as I could, I began to write down my letter to Axel.

Dear A,

He hasn’t suspected much other than the fact that I’m spending a lot of time practicing my ‘drawing’ when truly I’m just writing to you. Lately I fear he might catch my letter and who knows what might happen! How have you been? I hope all is well, and possibly we’ll see each other again soon.


It was one of my shortest letters I’ve written, but Xavier was going to suspect something was off if I stayed in the bathroom any longer. I headed into the living room and took a seat by the fire.

“Have a nice bath?” Xavier asked as he peaked over his book at me.

“Yes.” I picked up a book and began to read. It was a quiet, stormy night that made hunting impossible. Who would be walking around, at night, in the rain?

“You were in there for nearly two hours…”

I stopped reading and peered over my book carefully. “The water was running slowly,” I lied.

Judging by his expression, he wasn’t convinced. “You’ve been taking a lot of baths lately.”

“It’s been raining a lot, so there isn’t much else to do.”

“So bathing is the option?”

I pursed my lips, wondering how in the world I was going to get out of this. Avoiding the topic or switching it quickly would ruin my cover. There was one thing that might change this. It was something I resorted in during tough times such as this. I mean, it wasn’t as if I only slept with him during tough times… “Well, there is another option,” I whispered, pulling my dress to where it was above my knee. 

He raised a brow and sat down his book. I stood up and climbed into his lap, straddling either side of him. His hand brushed my back and found the zipper, pulling it down slowly. I worked on the buttons of his shirt and brushed my lips over his neck, enjoying the way his hands gripped onto me tighter. Our lips met, making me forget entirely about the letter or even Axel. Right now, it was just us. Ran my fingers through his dark hair and pulled myself closer to the monster that terrified me.

We woke up on the floor, just as the sun was setting. Nothing covered our bodies, so we woke up in the freezing cold. The fire was out, along with the wood stove, making the place a little uncomfortable. Xavier planted a kiss right over my heart before pulling on some pants and gathering wood. I sat up, feeling the cold hard wood floor on my bum. It was slightly awkward. I had my arms wrapped around my legs when Xavier came back. He tossed the wood into the fireplace and started it without difficulty.

He pulled a blanket off of the back of the chair and wrapped it around my shoulders. It was such a sweet gesture that pulled him down to sit beside me. “Thanks,” I murmured, resting my head on his shoulder.

“We need to hunt tonight. Get dressed,” he replied, ruining the moment.

I sauntered off to the bedroom and pulled on the first dress I could find before fixing my hair by brushing it. As for makeup, I was becoming an expert at applying it without a reflection. Once that was done, I put on some shoes and one of my nicest hats. After strolling out of the room, I stuck the letter for Axel down into my dress in hopes of mailing it.

We headed out of the house looking like a dazzling couple. I wasn’t sure where we were heading, but it was bound to be a weird place. We stopped outside of a pub, and I assumed we were about to head inside.

The Possessive Creator (Book I)Where stories live. Discover now