(5) Past

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Warning, this chapter has sexual contact and may possibly be rated R material. 

Past: 1921

Our feet hit the ground in almost a rhythmic as we sped down the road with nothing but the clothes on our backs. I felt as if this was it for me.

“Damn it, Lucy, keep up!” Xavier hissed and then grabbed my wrist in such a tight grip that it felt like it’d fall off.

“Leave me behind!” I cried, my stride faltering as I was practically being dragged down the road.

The shouts and gunshots behind us only made me stumble more behind my creator as we tried to outrun the hunters that were going to kill us. If we hadn’t of been hunting tonight, at Xavier’s request, then we wouldn’t be running for our existence.

“How’s your leg?” he asked as we darted around a building.

“Burns! What was in that horrible liquid?”

“It was holy water.” He jerked me around another corner—nearly taking my arm off.

Our being a vampire wasn’t something that exactly made us unstoppable. Actually, running seemed almost the same to me as it was when I was a human, except I didn’t have to worry about my heart pounding out of my chest or even breathing. Our speed was fast, but according to Xavier, I was slower than a human child at running. He, however, was so much quicker than me.

We rounded yet another corner, and I screamed in terror when I came face to face to a gun barrel.

“Grab the man,” one man barked.

Both Xavier and I dropped to our knees and looked at each other. “Don’t worry, baby, we’ll get out of this,” Xavier breathed.

I wanted to fight—a vampire instinct. But Xavier looked at me with his dark eyes that said no. My knees were starting to bleed from being on the hard ground. The blood wasn’t appealing to me at all, though it was strong smelling.

“Stake the man and then the girl,” said the man with the gun to our heads.

“You’re not going to kill a girl that’s all dolled up, are you?” Xavier asked with a smile.

“Stake him now!”

Suddenly Xavier had yanked me to my feet and rammed his fist hard into my stomach, launching me over a hundred or so feet away. I hit the ground painful while clenching my stomach. Why in the hell did he do that? And then I noticed the fight that had begun to happen where I had just been standing at.

I had to admit, his fighting skills were unbelievable. Those men didn’t stand a chance to him as Xavier pulled a heart out of one man and used it like a baseball as he hit another man in the head, temporarily stunning him before his own heart was ripped out. The next man managed to run a full six feet before his neck was snapped. Body pieces and blood was everywhere.

“Come on, doll,” Xavier called me, licking the blood from his hand.

“Why’d you hit me?” I hissed, still clenching my stomach.

“I did it to get you out of the way. It saved your life!”

“It hurt!”

He growled as he picked up one of the bodies and began to drink. “Come here, doll, you should drink to heal that wound.”

“Please, stop calling me that…” I muttered as I cautiously approached him. There was no telling on his mood sometimes.

I still wasn’t used to being near dead bodies, and the months I had been with Xavier were filled with death. He enjoyed it, I was neutral. Death was something to get used to, but drinking blood I loved. My teeth sunk into one of the heartless guys’ neck.

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