(14) Present

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(14) Present: 2012

What did I just do? I stared at the bloody body of my creator with wide eyes. I couldn’t believe I had just done that. Not only did I knock several bruises over his body, but also hit him so hard that blood was now on the trees around us. I’d even knocked chunks of flesh out of his legs.

“Is he dead?” Jeremy asked slowly, his eyes on Xavier’s body in horror.

“He was already dead…” I murmured, actually feeling sick to my stomach.

Jeremy must have felt the nausea I felt. He bent over and began throwing up into a nearby bush. I looked down at my clothes in shock, seeing them splattered with the blood that made me who I am today.

“I need some time alone. Don’t do anything to him,” I said fiercely before heading into the woods.

I’d never been so violent in my life. I was nearly two swings away from ending us both. My hair was matted up in the back from our earlier make-out session in the wood, and this only seemed to add to list of problems for the night. What was incredibly stupid was the fact that I left a guy who was so fueled with rage from his dead step-father dying at the hands of the man in front of him. I could be dead at any moment because of him driving a stake through my creator’s heart.

After spending several minutes fighting myself, I went back to the scene of the crime and grabbed the bottle of blood.

“What are you doing?!” Jeremy demanded furiously as I bent down and opened Xavier’s mouth.

“The sun will rise soon and we need to get out of here.”

“You can just as easily carry him into some shelter and chain him up. Don’t give him strength!” He took a step towards me in a threatening way.

My fangs extended and I hissed. “Don’t come any closer! I know what I’m doing!”

I poured the blood slowly into his mouth, leaning his head against my shoulder for support. It took several minutes of panicking before he finally swallowed. Tossing the empty bottle aside, I grabbed another, forcing him to drink it in hopes of him healing quickly. It was a little ironic that I was using his methods. Back in the day, when I got so much as a paper cut, he would have be drink blood until I was nearly coughing it back up. Here I was, nearly shoving the bottle down his throat in order for him to heal enough to move him.

“The sun will be up in less than an hour, Xavier,” I whispered in his ear. “We’ll both die if you don’t start moving.”

He moved slightly, not even opening his eyes. His injuries were much worse than I had thought. I grabbed a bag of blood from the truck and watched as he drank it quickly. The sun was rising very soon; I could feel it. When he opened his eyes to look at me, I felt my expression change to fearful. What was he going to do now?

“Hey, we need to move now,” I whispered, my lips practically brushing his ear by accident.

“Hello,” he murmured, closing his eyes again.

I put my hands on either side of his face and shook him. “If I unchain you, will you behave?”

His lips pulled up to one side, showing how very much awake he was. “Behave? What type of behave?” His eyes opened to look at me with amusement.

Relief washed through me when I realized I hadn’t done too much damage. What if I had hurt him so much that he would just fade away? Sometimes, wounds are enough to take a vampire out. “Behave as in don’t snap any necks. Will you promise me you won’t try anything like that?” I asked him, nearly smiling at his somewhat perverted comment.

The Possessive Creator (Book I)Where stories live. Discover now