(10) Present

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(10) Present: 2012

I sat in the truck, tapping my fingers against the door as Jeremy drove quietly. If I had a heart, it’d be pounding. How had I let him talk me into this? I made two deals with him, and here I was, making good on my word. One, I had to shake up his step-dad, and two, I had to face my maker. Why was I so stupid to make that deal? What did I get out of this? Not a freaking thing. I was very tempted to throw myself out of the truck and head to Mexico, but it was Jeremy’s fearful eyes that stopped me.

“What is your plan?” he asked, his voice sounding slightly saddened.

“On which one?”

“My dad.”

I pursed my lips in deep thought. What could I do to scare the man enough to know that if he dared so much as looked at Jeremy the wrong way, I’d tear his heart from his chest? Why was I so territorial over him? I mean, it wasn’t as if I felt this longing desire to be with him. He simply was a boy I shared a few things with… It then hit me that the last time I shared something so deep was with Xavier. Yes, I shared some things with Axel through letters, but it wasn’t something deeps and heartfelt. Vampires weren’t supposed to share their feelings, and mostly would drink them. But Xavier always asked how I was doing and wanted to know everything from what I thought of the city lights, to how I wanted to be kissed.

As much as it disgusted me, Xavier was the only man who truly knew me. Sure most of our time together was heated from either arguments to lust, but we shared as well. I didn’t doubt that he loves me. He used to shower me with gifts, yet I never truly said I loved him. Heck, at the moment, I hated him. He ruined me. But he knew me. Was this why I was so protective of Jeremy? Because I wanted to protect the only person who knew pieces of me and never used them against me? I hated how conflicted I felt.

“I guess I’ll go in—after you invite me of course—and then have a chat with him,” I replied duly.

He nodded. “My mom is working and my sister will be at her boyfriend’s house for the night. Just don’t hurt him too much…”

“Can’t make any promises.”

“…What are you going to do about your creator?”

I narrowed my eyes at him, hating the question. What was I going to do? I hardly even knew. “I’ll try to get him to follow my scent out of town. I’ll make sure he’s following me for at least several miles before running like hell out of his sight.” This plan was ridiculously dangerous.

“Thank you, Lucy.”

The honesty in his tone made my expression falter. He was showing emotion, and actually showed how he was truly thankful. I wasn’t used to someone saying those words. “I need your help, though. When I go running through the wood, I’ll need you to be waiting in this truck near the bridge, okay? I can’t outrun him for long.”

“Of course. How far do you want me to take you?”

“At least across the state line.”

He nodded. “We’re here…”

We pulled to a stop before a tiny house. This was it. I followed Jeremy to the door and waited for him to open it.

“Come in, Lucy,” he whispered.

I stepped through the threshold, a mischievous smile on my lips. This was going to be much more fun than Jeremy knew. He left to drive to the bridge while I did my job. Going down the hallway quietly, I followed the stench of cigarettes and alcohol that led me into the junked up living room. Sitting in a filthy black sofa chair, was a tall looking heavy man. From his stained white t-shirt to his balding head; he fit the abusive profile. Leaning against the doorway, I eyed his bear belly and his tattooed arms to see just how strong he was.

The Possessive Creator (Book I)Where stories live. Discover now